Day 25: Whisper/Help

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Nathalie finished adjusting her hair, slipping the last bobby pin into place. She would've looked the same as always save for the dark circles under her eyes.

She sighed. She'd spent more than enough time in bed and had decided that today, she was going back to work. Even if she felt a never-ending exhaustion and her legs threatened to buckle.

Hearing Adrien's door close, she quickly turned to leave her room to greet him, but her legs shook and chose that moment to collapse.

As she hit the ground hard, she knew there was something different about this dizzy spell.

Maybe she should've waited for those leg braces Gabriel had promised her.

Her cheek against the carpet, she reached for her fallen phone, struggling to breathe. But it was just out of reach.

Not that Gabriel would answer anyway. He was probably off akumatizing someone.

There was a chance that Adrien would come in, but she couldn't hear his footsteps anymore.

"Help." Her whisper was so quiet, even she could barely hear it.

A few minutes -or maybe hours- passed before a knock sounded at her door. She attempted to raise her head, trying to reply, but all that came out was a quiet cough.

"Nathalie?" Adrien called. "I've got your breakfast."

He opened the door, pushing a cart of food inside. His eyes landed on her, and his jaw dropped. "Nathalie!" he cried, rushing to her side. "What happened? Why aren't you in bed?"

She squeezed her eyes shut and he seemed to understand she couldn't respond.

"Hold on, I'll help you!" Adrien tried to lift her, moving her arm around his shoulders. When he was unsuccessful, he pushed himself to his feet. "I'll get Father! Just hold on, Nathalie, you'll be okay!"

He ran out of the room, saying something quietly to himself.

She didn't know how much time passed before he returned with Gabriel.

"Nathalie!" The latter knelt next to her, lifting her into his arms. He looked at his son. "Adrien, pull back the blanket!"

He set her back on her bed, removing her shoes. "What were you doing up, Nathalie? You know you aren't supposed to be walking!"

"I thought I-" she coughed, unable to catch her breath after the fit.

He must've seen the panic on her face because he sat her up and pulled her against him. She caught sight of Adrien's worried face.

"Nathalie . . ."

"You need to get to school, Adrien," Gabriel told him. "Or you'll be late."

He sighed, coming closer to squeeze her hand. "Feelt better, Nathalie."

Adrien left with another sad look.

Gabriel rubbed a hand over her back, resting his chin on top of her head. "This is all my fault. Please, just breathe."

For a while, she worried she wouldn't be able to. But her breath returned and she exhaled, chest still sore. "I'm okay."

But he kept his arms around her. "I'm so sorry," he whispered.

It's the Little Things That Count - Gabenath DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now