Day 41: Lost Glasses

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Without his glasses, Gabriel was having a hard time drawing. He squinted at his screen, trying in vain to remember where he'd put them.

Nathalie walked up to him. Right on schedule, she asked, "Where are your glasses?"

"I haven't the faintest idea."

Even with his weakened vision, he could see her smile. "I'll find them, sir."

As he expected, she found them within the minute. "They were on the chair, in between the cushions," she told him. "But one of the lenses is cracked."

He frowned. That meant he would have to wear his contacts. And he hated contacts.

And she knew that. "You can borrow my glasses. I believe they're similar enough to yours for them to work for a few minutes while I find your spare pair."

"Don't you need them to see?"

"No, I can manage. Besides, I'm fairly certain I know where your other ones are."

She slipped the glasses from her face and into his hands. "Thank you," he said with a smile.

It was always surprising to see her without her glasses; she looked so different.

Not a bad kind of different.

With or without glasses, she looked-

Gabriel stopped his thoughts there. Yes, Nathalie was pretty, anyone could see that. But those weren't the best thoughts to be thinking.

Especially as a married man.

And as Nathalie's friend.

It's the Little Things That Count - Gabenath DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now