Day 21: Are You Happy?

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"Are you happy, Nathalie?"

Adrien's question surprised her. She'd spent much of her time making sure he was okay that she hadn't thought about herself.

"You won't leave us, right?" he continued timidly, moving into the room.

"No, of course not." She smiled, patting the spot next to her.

He sat on her bed. "But you could be happier, right?"

"I suppose there are some things I would change if I had the chance."

"My dad?" he guessed.

She hesitated. "Adrien, I don't know-"

"I know how much you care about him. And he cares about you, even though he hasn't figured out his feelings yet." He paused, smiling a bit. "You know, I had that problem too. For the longest time, I was convinced that Marinette was only a friend and I couldn't see that she was in love with me. But one day, I realized how amazing she is. And I'm sure my dad will realize how amazing you are one day."

It's the Little Things That Count - Gabenath DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now