Day 35: Caress

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Author's Note: Takes place right after Miracle Queen

The feeling of his hand lingered from when he'd caressed her cheek. The touch had been brief and she hadn't been fully conscious, but the memory was strong.

    The akumatization of Miracle Queen had been a failure, but Nathalie had managed to get the translations of the grimoire from Master Fu.

    Now, in her semi-conscious state, she could hear Gabriel exit the driver's seat of the car and come around to her side. He slipped his arms around her. She forced her eyes open and gave him a weak smile.

    "I'll fix everything," he said quietly. "I promise."

    She felt herself being lifted and carried up the stairs of the Agreste manor. Her head rested on his shoulder, one of her hands loosely gripping his jacket. Chills racked her body, the warmth emanating from his arms her only sense of comfort.

    Before she knew it, she was in her bed, the blanket being drawn over her. "Feel better, Nathalie." He brushed a thumb over her cheek. "Thanks to you, I can fix the peacock Miraculous and make things right."

    He sat on the edge of her bed, removing his glasses and dropping his head to his hands. "I'll make things right," he repeated, but she could hear the catch in his voice.

It's the Little Things That Count - Gabenath DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now