Day 23: Tides

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The tides moved back and forth, sometimes taking shells and rocks and leaving behind empty sand.

Similar to Gabriel's trip to Shanghai, the Agrestes had traveled to the coast for the opening of his newest store. Nathalie had come along this time, not letting her sickness stop her.

That was how she found herself on the beach, a crescent moon hovering above her. She didn't know why she'd decided to come here, especially at this hour, but here she was.

Nathalie breathed deeply, enjoying the smell of the ocean. She grimaced at the familiar burn in her lungs, quickly opting to sit as she coughed.

"Nathalie? Why are you out here so late?"

She turned her head a bit. "I could ask you the same question, sir."

He surprised her by sitting next to her, the sand clumping to his previously pristine red pants. "You should be sleeping."

"I'm fine."

"I heard you coughing."

"Sleep won't do much for me at this point, Gabriel. I'd rather be out here to enjoy the scenery." While she still could.

She might as well have said that last part, as guilt flashed across his face. He wisely changed the subject. "It's quite nice out here."

"Adrien seems to be enjoying himself too."

"Yes." His eyes lingered on her for reasons she didn't know. She returned his gaze, observing the reflection of the moonlight on his face. His irises almost seemed silver in this lighting.

"What are you thinking about, sir?"

He smiled almost wistfully before shaking his head. "Nothing too important."

As she looked back at the waves, she realized how similar they were to him. Gabriel's emotions reminded her of the tides, ever-changing and unbalanced, but still with a sense of predictability.

Meanwhile, Gabriel was thinking about how different Nathalie was from the sea. She was dependable and calm, unlike the tides.

But on another note, -one he was more reluctant to admit- she was beautiful in the moonlight. 

That part he would keep to himself.

It's the Little Things That Count - Gabenath DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now