Day 44: A Lingering Touch

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Every kind touch, every supportive gesture, they all lingered. He remembered every sacrifice she'd made for him.

Now she was ready to pay the ultimate price.

But he wasn't.

Gabriel didn't care how brilliant her plan sounded, how determined she was. It wasn't worth losing her.

One more use of the peacock Miraculous would almost certainly seal her fate, just as it had for Emilie.

So like a man possessed, he went to her and removed the brooch from her chest, receiving a surprised look. He then took the Miraculous from his own shirt and dropped them both on the desk.

"You can't, Nathalie. If you use it again, you'll die."

"I don't care, as long as I can help you."

"I care. And if you die, you won't exactly be helping me, will you?"

"But, we can win-!"

"No, I'm finished. I'm finished being Hawk Moth."

"Finished? Is that really what you want?" Nathalie asked tentatively.

"Yes. You're not dying, not on my watch."

"That's . . . that's very thoughtful of you, Gabriel," she murmured.

"Think of it as my way of returning every favor you've done for me." He swept a hand over her forehead, nudging back the stray hair.

That simple touch would linger for both of them for a long time; it marked the day Gabriel Agreste began to change.

It's the Little Things That Count - Gabenath DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now