Day 42: Butterflies/Look At Me

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I love you.

The words had left her mouth before she could stop them. She glared at the floor, cheeks flaming. "I'm sorry, sir. Just forget what I said."


"I'm sorry," she repeated. "I shouldn't have-"

"Look at me. Please."

She did so slowly, the calm butterflies fluttering around them, unlike the ones in her stomach.

"Don't apologize. If anyone should be sorry, it's me. I'm such a fool for continuing to put you and Adrien in danger. And I knew you had some sort of feelings for me, but I did nothing."

"I don't blame you. You're a married man, after all," she said quietly. "I'm the fool. The fool who fell in love with her married boss."

"You're not a fool, Nathalie."

"I should go." She turned away reluctantly, exhaling to keep her unshed tears at bay.

"Please, don't leave."

"What more is there to say?"

"A lot." Arms came around her and he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"I'd rather you not see me like this." Her voice was unsteady. She bit her lip and tried to focus on the Akuma flittering by her face.

"Your tears won't change the way I see you."

As he lifted his head, she leaned back against his chest, looking up at him. "Yes, but, Gabriel . . ."

"Nathalie, I once told you I wasn't so sure about why I'm doing all of this."

"I remember," she said, eyes drifting to the open attic window.

"But did I tell you why?"

She shook her head.


She looked up at him again, head still against his shoulder.

"You've been risking your life and health, all for me. You've always been here, no matter what. And it's taken me a long time to see it. This whole time, it's always been you."

She closed her eyes. "I want, more than anything, to believe you, but I'm afraid you're only saying this out of pity. If you are, please don't do this to me."

His arms tightened around her. "It's the truth."

"And Emilie?"

He sighed heavily. "It's not an easy decision, but I . . . I need to let her go. And maybe it'll be easier if you're here with me."

She put her hands over his, giving him a gentle smile. "I'm here. That won't change. And I know she'd want you to be happy."

Closing his eyes, he smiled in return, a wider smile than she'd seen on his face in a long time. He leaned closer and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Thank you, Nathalie. For everything."

It's the Little Things That Count - Gabenath DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now