Day 9: Waking in the Middle of the Night

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Gabriel woke during the night, as he often did, but this time something felt off. The butterfly Miraculous hummed, now clipped to his breast pocket.

He was not in the mood to akumatize anyone tonight, but these emotions felt all too familiar --surprise, fear, hopelessness.


Another coughing fit, no doubt. The last emotion plagued him with guilt. Even if she'd never admit it, she had run out of hope. She fully believed she would never recover.

And it was all his fault.

Maybe she didn't blame him, but he certainly blamed himself.

He stood, making his way to her room. He was probably the last person she wanted to see, but what else could he do?

After a brief hesitation, Gabriel knocked on her door. Though Nathalie didn't answer he went in anyway. She was sitting up in her bed and the lights were on. Dark circles rimmed her eyes from lack of sleep.

Her gaze rested on him for a moment before she turned away in annoyance. "I'm fine, sir," she said tightly.

She had every right to be upset with him, but that didn't stop Gabriel from coming closer. He sat on the edge of the bed and took the glass of water from her nightstand, setting it in her hands. "Drink."

Still avoiding his eyes, she did so. When it was empty, he took the cup back, returning it to its previous spot.

"I know you're angry, Nathalie," he said after a stretch of silence. "But don't let that stop me from helping you." With the start of another coughing fit, he shifted closer, hands moving to her shoulders.

She sighed in defeat, slumping against him. For a second, he was brought back to the times when he'd been able to help her without any tension or awkwardness between them.

He wondered if she could hear the quickening of his pulse, a response he was slowly learning to understand.

With each passing day, Gabriel grew more unsure. Was this all worth it?

But again, what could he do? It was too late to go back now.

It's the Little Things That Count - Gabenath DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now