Day 22: Spare Me

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"Spare me the lies, Gabriel. No matter what you say, you'll always fall back to your old habits."

He watched her silently, unable to deny the fact. "Will you at least allow me to try?"

"You tried before, don't you remember? But as soon as you saw the barest chance of success, you dove headfirst into yet another foolhardy plan."

"And I regret that, but-"

"Start by actually caring for your son, instead of that little act you've been putting on. Making him pancakes for breakfast won't make up for what you've done to him."

"It's not an act, Nathalie. I love Adrien, and I'm trying to be better." He looked like he wanted to add something but decided against it.

"'Trying' isn't good enough anymore. Give your Miraculous to Ladybug to show me you've changed. That's what Emilie would want, we both know that."

It's the Little Things That Count - Gabenath DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now