Day 11: What do you know about love?

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"What do you know about love?" It was a seemingly innocent question from an equally innocent boy, desperate for love advice.

After her akumatization earlier that day, the two were now discussing Adrien's love life.

"Like I said this morning, falling in love was complicated. It never worked out for me."

"Well, what about now?"

How was she supposed to tell the boy that she'd been in love with his father since before he was born? Since before he'd married Emilie? "It isn't any easier," she admitted.

He sighed. "Love is complicated. Especially when the person you're in love with is in love with somebody else."

She winced. He was clearly speaking from experience but it hit close to home for her as well. "Yes," she agreed. "That seemed to be my issue too."

He looked at her and she thought that maybe he knew more than he was letting on.

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