Day 32: What Are You Looking For?

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"What are you looking for, Adrien?"

The boy in question flinched, dropping the books in his hands. Nathalie could swear she saw a black blur disappear behind him, but she figured it was just her imagination.

"My m-" He choked back whatever word he'd been about to say. "I lost my ring."

"The Alliance?"

He made a face at the mention of his father's ring. "No, it's different. It's that one I always wear."

"I remember. Would you like help with looking?"

"Sure," he said hesitantly. "But only if you're feeling up to it."

"Yes, I'm fine. I would be happy to help."

They spent the next few minutes searching his bedroom for the ring.

"How did you misplace it?" she asked, lifting the blanket on his bed.

"Uh, basketball practice."

"I haven't seen you play basketball in a while," she told him. "Not since you and Félix used to play together. Do you really enjoy doing it alone?"

"I was bored," he replied, keeping his face angled away from her so she couldn't see his expression. "I guess I got a little carried away because the next thing I knew, my ring was gone."

Whether or not the story was true, she knew how important the ring was to him.

And luckily, she found it sitting in the furthest corner of his room. She took it in her hands, observing it curiously. It looked oddly familiar, but she didn't know why.

"Here it is," she called, dropping it in his hand when he rushed over.

"Thank you!" He breathed an audible sigh of relief, sipping it back onto his finger.

"I never thought to ask, but where did you get it? I don't remember your father giving it to you." Not when she was the gift-giver, anyway.

"It was a gift from one of my friends."

"That's very thoughtful. Now, do you need help with anything else?"

"No, I'm okay."

"Good. Dinner will be ready soon. Your father and I will be there." On her way out, she continued to think about the ring. Why did it seem so familiar?

It's the Little Things That Count - Gabenath DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now