Day 17: Too Late/Sacrifice

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When Hawk Moth lost control of his most recent akumatized victim, and said victim turned on him, Mayura didn't hesitate to push him out of the way. For a moment she worried she'd been too late, but when Reaper's sword implanted in her chest, she knew she'd succeeded in saving him.

Hawk Moth didn't share the same feelings of relief as he cried out, reaching for her.

Needless to say, if the superheroes hadn't arrived as soon as they did, it probably would've been too late for Mayura.

The sword vanished from her chest, reappearing in Reaper's hand.

Mayura watched the woman fight Ladybug and Cat Noir from her spot on the ground, now cradled in Hawk Moth's arms. True to Reaper's name, she could feel the energy slowly fading from her body, no doubt powering the sword.

Hawk Moth cursed, his hand pressing against her chest in an attempt to stanch the bleeding. "I can't remove her Akuma!"

"I'm fine," she told him, coughing.


It wouldn't be a lie if the heroes defeated Reaper. But even if Mayura's death would be temporary, she'd rather not put either of them through it.

Tears had welled in his eyes, showing her that he didn't want to see her die any more than she did. "Why did you do that, Nathalie?" he whispered, quiet enough that the heroes wouldn't hear.

"Why do you think?" She met his gaze, trying to communicate the things she couldn't say.

Something told her he already knew as he sighed, murmuring, "The Miraculous Ladybugs will fix everything."

Her lungs tightened and she grasped the hand still on her chest. The pain nearly made her cry. Of all the close calls the two'd had, she never thought she would experience death.

He glanced up to observe the heroes again, who seemed to be gaining the upper hand. Even with everything that had happened, she could see the concerned looks they were giving her.

"Distract me, please." Mayura tried to keep the desperation from her voice. Her usual calm demeanor was long gone.

Hawk Moth looked at her helplessly, pulling her closer. "Your pain will be gone soon, I promise."

"Will you try to be there for Adrien if the heroes fail? He misses you. And if he doesn't have me . . ."

"Don't talk like that! You're-"

"Gabriel, promise me."

She didn't get the chance to hear his reply as the world around her faded. It may have taken one minute or twenty, but the magical ladybugs swarmed around her, taking her pain away. When she opened her eyes, she realized he'd leaned his head against hers, gripping her hand tightly.

"Are you okay?" he asked, raising his head.

She nodded, breathing a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry. How long was I-?"

"A few minutes," he said shakily. "But you're okay now."

She tried to smile.

"You're okay," he repeated, more to himself than to her.

It's the Little Things That Count - Gabenath DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now