Day 27: Sinking

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Her most recent fight with Gabriel had led Nathalie into the city, taking a walk to try to cool down.

It was getting harder to deal with that man. Any feelings she still had for him didn't change the fact that he could be quite difficult.

She soon found herself next to the Seine. Maybe she's stopped a bit too close to the edge of the river because a bicyclist rushed by, and she stumbled back. She caught sight of the teenager turning his head in surprise just as she fell over the side.

The ice-cold water shocked her, stopping her from moving. Even if she had been able to swim, her metal braces would've dragged her down anyway.

And so she sank to the bottom of the river, mind in such a fog she barely remembered to panic.

An explosion of bubbles appeared above her, and she frowned. Who would be stupid enough to jump in after her?

Gabriel, of course.

With her lungs feeling like they were about to burst, he reached her, arms slipping around her torso. He pressed the release button on her braces, freeing her from their weight.

Now in his arms and her vision fading, he took her closer to the surface. But that was all she was able to see before water entered her lungs and everything darkened.

To apologize, Gabriel followed after Nathalie, arriving just in time to see her stumble into the Seine.

People were already gathering at the edge, including the teen bicyclist. Gabriel shoved his jacket into the boy's hands as Cat Noir arrived. Before even the hero could jump into the river, Gabriel dove in himself.

He caught up to Nathalie before she reached the bottom, releasing her braces. He'd get her another pair later.

He pulled her back onto the river bank, noticing with alarm that she was unconscious.

"Stay back!" Cat Noir ordered the crowd, quickly coming to kneel next to them. Sounding terrified, he said, "D-Mr. Agreste, is she-?"

Before Gabriel had the chance to revive her, Nathalie sat up, coughing.

Cat Noir sat back, putting a hand on his chest. "Phew!"

Meanwhile, Gabriel moved an arm around her shoulders, letting his head lean against hers. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly.

"Thank you . . ."

Cat Noir managed to shoo away the rest of the bystanders, now joined by Ladybug.

As the two sat there, Gabriel remembered the similar scene that had played out after Reflekdoll.

Now, drifting off, Nathalie mumbled something that made his eyes widen. But surely he heard incorrectly.

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