Day 39: You're Not the Only One

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Her heart broke a little when she saw Gabriel sitting on the edge of her bed, posture slumped and devoid of any hope.

She made her way closer and sat next to him.

"Nathalie, sometimes I feel so alone," he said quietly. "There's this gaping hole in my chest that never seems to go away. I miss her, Nathalie, I miss her so much."

She shifted a bit closer. "I miss her too, Gabriel. And you're not the only one who feels alone, I promise you. Adrien has been struggling but he tries his best to hide it. Maybe you and he should start spending time together instead of apart."

He exhaled. "Maybe you're right, Nathalie. And . . . what about you? Do you feel alone?"

She glanced at the floor. "Sometimes, but it isn't something you need to worry about. Only I can solve it."

His look told her to continue anyway.

Nathalie shook her head. "It's nothing, Gabriel. My hope is that you and Adrien won't feel so alone anymore. However I can help, I will."

"To repay you for your kindness, I hope I can help you past your own loneliness."

The offer was sweet but impossible. Besides, she couldn't tell him, especially not right now. It was the wrong time to make him aware of her feelings. "Maybe someday."

It's the Little Things That Count - Gabenath DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now