First impression

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Since the start the first impression was horrible,as she entered looking for Neville's toad immediately began insulting Marcus's failed magic.

Since that everything was messy,name calling,but that was mostly Marcus calling her a mudblood multiple times.

Hermione insulting him being a 'daddy's boy ' such things as:he brought his way into Hogwarts.

Things like that and the second year of Hogwarts a scene broke out in the book store.

As the Weasleys and Harry turned the corner Marcus ripped out a page and placed down the book trotting down the stairs quickly to stop them.

"Bet you move that,didn't you,pottah?"He asked as Harry cocked his head to the side.
"Famous Harry pottah,can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page."he scolded as Ron and Ginny appeared beside Harry.

"Leave him alone."the short ginger girl demanded stepping infront of Harry.

"Oh yourself a girlfriend..a Weasley..such a shame."he spoke as his farther's black staff with a diamond on the end and a snake figure on the other end landed a place on his shoulder.

"Now,now,Marcus,play nicely."he demanded using his staff to shove his son back up the flight of stairs.

"Mr.Potter."the man smiled as Marcus watched from the stairs "Xavier Finch."He informed Harry as he held out his hand "we meet at last."he sighed shaking Harry's hand as Ron and Ginny glared at him and his hand as he yanked Harry closer.

"Forgive me."he sighed using the part of his staff to brush back Harry's hair revealing the scar "your scar is legend,as,of course,is the wizard who gave it to you."he said.

"Voldemort killed my parents."Harry snarled as Hermione walked over after admiring Lockhart with the other women.

"He was nothing more than a murder."Harry spat backing away from the long haired,infuriated man.

" must be very brave to mention his name."Mr finch admitted as everyone glared at him except from Marcus who was eyeing Hermione.

"Or very foolish."the man winced lowering his staff.

"Fear of a name only increases fear if the thing itself."Hermione piped up as now all of the kids attention was on her and not just Marcus's.

"And you must be.."he paused turning his head to his son "Miss granger."he said raising his brow for assurance as Marcus nodded.

"Yes.Marcus has told me all about you..and your parents."He informed her.


Or the time in the third year she punched him in the nose or the time he pretended there was a dementor behind her or the time she knocked him to the floor and crushed him,the list goes on,like him teaming up with Snape to annoy the know it all,or him always copying her work,or stomping on her foot.

The time the plant tried to bite his finger off and she laughed.

The listing could go on for decades.

Since we're on the topic of the third year we can talk about when her cat ate his pet mouse.

"Beautiful day."Hermione admitted as three boys strolled after her "gorgeous..unless you've been ripped to pieces!"he spat at her.

"Ripped to pieces?what are you talking about?"Harry asked him as they walked to class.

"Marcus has lost his rat."Hermione told him.
"I haven't lost anything!your cat killed him!"he snarled as Hermione shook her head "rubbish."

"'ve seen that bloodthirsty beast of hers."he argued as Ron agreed with him ignoring the fact the two completely despised one another.

"Well,maybe you should take better care of your pets!"she yelled as they got closer to class.
"Your cat killed him!"
"Did not!"
"Didnt.."she muttered as they entered class splitting opposite sides of the room.


Or the time he was attacked by a hippogriff (which he deserved)  and the golden trio thought it was the funniest thing ever.

The time Harry attacked him and his friends with snowballs with his invisibility cloak and her and Ronald laughed their asses off.

The first flying lesson she called him and Harry idiots after fighting in their brooms.

Or when he bragged to Pansy Parkinson that he almost lost his arm and Hermione continued to argue with him.

Over time they got worse and worse but by the end of the third year he'd learned to quit calling her a mudblood and to stop calling Harry scar face and Rob weasle bee.

Yet he never learned to stop being an asshole to them.

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