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Theo and Marcus grunted as they slid across the floor finally escaping the pain of fire as Hermione threw Harry the tooth "Harry!"she said a he caught it stabbing it out flew the black smoke of evil as it let out hollow moans and yells Marcus kicked it into the fire.

As the fire turned into three faces coming their way with deep groaning as Hermione grabbed his shoulder pulling him away from death as the doors shut as Harry panted on the floor.

"It's the snake."he informed them "she's the last's the last Horcrux."he admitted unsure of how they would get to Voldemorts snake.

"Look inside him,Harry."Ron said kneeling down"find out where he is.if we find him,we can find the snake.Then we can end this."he said as Harry shut his eyes panting as they all kneeled down minus Marcus who stayed standing.

Harry opened his eyes shaking and panting once again "I know where he is."he said shakily in fear.

Aberforth sent away the dementors with a flick of his writs as the four ran to where Voldemort stood with Snape listening in on how if Snape lived the elder wand belonged to him and not Voldemort as he did not kill the previous owner.

"You've been a good and faithful servant,Severus."voldy assured him as Snape stood tall hiding the fear "but only I can live forever."he added in a raspy tone as if he had a cough stuck in his throat.

"My Lord-"he said as he slashed his wand it slit Snapes throat as he fell to the floor as the blood seeped through his collar as his body thudded against the window they all slightly crouched back as the window slowly cracked.

"Nagini,kill."Voldemort demanded as the snake hissed jumping at Snape as his hands flung against the glass the young four wincing as the thudding continued along with Snapes gasps as they heard whooshing as Voldy and his snake dissaparated away.

Harry watched as Snapes body slowly slid down the window along with blood as they walked inside to Snape and his ragged breathing Harry kneeled beside him covering and applying pressure to the deep cut as Snape looked into his eyes as a tear fell.

"Take them."he managed to say "take them."he cried "please."he begged.

"Give me something.Quickly.a flask,anything."Harry demanded as Hermione quickly opened her bag as Harry collected Snapes tears.

"Take them to the pensieve."he demanded softly as Harry clenched the small glass bottle in his hands "look at me."he said looking into Harry's eyes that reminded him of Lilly.

"You have your mothers eyes."he said with a small gasp before he sighed turning his head and everything stopped as his eyes fell shut.

Time skip*
Once more Voldemort had spoken to everyone and told Harry to face him in the forbidden forest.

As the four of them arrived back at Hogwarts no one was around the walls were crumbled and small fires took place around the outside.
"Where is everybody?"Hermione questioned as they made there way inside the main hall silent yet full of people some dead most alive.

As they walked around before they stumbled across a dead Fred Weasley as George was sobbing while clinging onto both Marcus and Ron before they realised what had happened the two were both kneeled beside his body.

As Harry turned his head to see both Lupin and Tonks in the same state as Fred before he left.

Time skip*
Marcus and Hermione sat at the bottom of the stairs with their heads on one another's as Ron sat beside them as Harry walked out they turned around to see him walk down the stairs.

"Where've you been?"She asked him
"We thought you went to the forest."Ron admitted "I'm  going there now."he said walking away sternly.

"Are you mad?"Marcus asked him.
"No."Ron demanded as he just kept walking "you can't give yourself up to him."Ron argued.

"What is it,Harry?"Hermione questioned "what is it you know?"

"There's a reason I can hear them...the Horcruxes."He said looking down before gulping "I think I've know for a while."he admitted.

"And I think you have too."he blurted out as Hermione sobbed "I'll go with you."Marcus remarked "no,kill the snake."He instructed.

"Kill the snake and then it's just him."Harry reminded them as Hermione hugged Harry tightly letting soft sobs into his shoulders before it was time to let go as he walked away she let more and more tears fall as both Marcus and Ron comforted her yet Marcus being horrific when it comes to comfort.

Hopefully Harry would live,after all it's his name,the boy who lived.It was a few hours until sunrise as they all wished he'd be okay.


After Voldemort woke after 'killing' Harry Narcissa crawled over and whispered if Theo,Draco and Marcus were alive as she was the only one really caring for the poor boys.


Time skip*
Morning had struck faster then expected yet Harry hadn't arrived back.

Just then as Neville was outside he realised people approaching but not just any people he saw Hagrid carrying a body while having a rope around his throat as he had a fearful look plastered on his face as thousands of death eaters and Voldemort followed as all the students teachers and parents came out.

"Who is that Hagrids carrying?"Ginny trembled "Neville who is it?"she asked hoping her vision was a blur.

"Harry dead!"He hollered as Ginny cried "no! No!"She shouted running forwards as her dad pulled her back.

"Silence!"he demanded blocking their path with magic "stupid girl."he remarked "Harry Potter is dead."he reminded her "from this day forth yiu pot your me."he said tapping his chest.

"Harry Potter is dead!"He yelled proudly turning to the thousands of deatheaters who laughed as did Voldemort who looked freakier than normal.

"And now is the tune to declare yourself.come forwards and join us."He said with open arms as Bellatrix mimicked from behind him.

"Or die."he added.

"Marcus."His farther whisper yelled as Hermione and the others turned around.

"Marcus."his farther muttered in fear only now had he cared for his son who was now fighting tears.

"Marcus come on."Theo muttered from the crowd of death eaters.
"Marcus..."Narcissa said softly "come."she said as he began walking forwards all feeling betrayal fill their bodies.

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