Black lake

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"Hey,Lestrange!"Cedric hollered over to him as he turned his head "what?"
"How-how are you?"Cedric asked him.

"Spectacular I like didn't almost get burned alive or anything."Marcus remarked as Cedric gulped "I need you to thank Harry for tipping us about the dragons and you guys should know,You know the prefects bathroom on the the fifth floor?"he asked as Marcus nodded .

He leaned near his ear "it's not a bad place for a bath."he said smiling and backing up "but take the egg."he added with a smile "and mull things over uh the hot water."he chuckled walking away.

Time skip*
The huge circular bath was filled with bubble as Marcus pulled off his shirt climbing into the water.

He sat in silence for a minute before grabbing his egg "oh god.."he muttered opening the egg as it let out a loud screech as he groaned and whined before slamming it closed.

He sighed as he heard a girl giggling as he turned his head around resting his arm on the wall around the bath.
"Long time no see."Mrytle remarked at him peering out of the toilet seat trying to look at Marcus letting out small giggles as he covered himself.

As he figured it out Myrtle cuddled up next to him "took you and Cedric ages to figure that out."she remarked.

Time skip*
Harry had just been told by Cedric and Marcus to go to the bath.
But when he opened it,it was still screeching just as he heard a giggle.

"I'd try putting it in the water if I were you."Moaning Myrtle recommended from inside the toilet.

"Mrytle!"Harry exclaimed at her.

"Hello,Harry."she sighed as Harry used bubble to cover himself more "Long time no see."she said peering over.

"I was circling the blocked drain the other day."she said flying around "and I could swear I saw a bit of Polyjuice potion."she admitted "not being a bad boy again,are you,Harry?"she asked him.

"Polyjuice potion?"Harry repeated confused "kicked the habit,Myrtle,did you say try putting it in the water?"Harry said grabbing the egg as she squealed flying back up and diving into the water.

"Well,that's what the other boys did,the handsome one."she squealed getting closer to Harry.

"Marcus and Cedric."she confirmed before waiting for Harry "well go on,open it."

Time skip*
Once again the Weasleys we're placing bets as Neville slipped Harry and Marcus gillyweed to breath under water.

"You sure about this Neville?"Harry asked as Neville confirmed.

"For an hour?"Marcus added looking at the green slimy gillyweed.

"Most likely."Neville confirmed.

Time skip*
"Welcome to the second task."Dumbledore said "Last night,something was stolen from each of our champions.A treasure of sorts.These five treasures,mean something to each champion.they now lie on the bottom of the black lake.I'm order to win...each champion needs only to find their treasure and return to the surface."he announced as the all talked and chanted.

"Put that in your mouth."Moody demanded at the boys as they shoved the gillyweed down their throats gagging and choking as Cedric patted Marcus's back before moody smacked them.

They all dove in as Moody shoved Harry and Marcus down.

The boys began grunting and yelling under water as they grew gills along their neck and fish feet and webbed fingers.

"I can't see him."Dean admitted as did seamus as they sent Neville into a spiral of fear but then the boys did flips out of the water.

"yeah!"the crowd yelled as Neville turned around.

A group of fish followed Marcus around the lake as he followed the sound of the merpeople singing.

His wail was distorted by the merpeople swishing by his body as he followed one of the merpeople it revealed people trapped under water as if they were dead he was quick to swim over.
Harry went straight to Ron and Marcus swam to Hermione as they shared looks at one another.

They swum down and deeper attempting to free  their bodies from the chains on their feet just as mermaids came screeching at them.

Cedric used his wand to free Cho before swimming  up he told the boys to hurry up by pointing at his watch and then his wand.

As they raised their wands a trident was placed at their throats by the merpeople but they all screamed running away as Viktor appeared as a shark dragging Hermione away.

Leaving Harry to take Ron and Marcus had no voice but to to take Fleurs little sister  and someone he didn't even like he looked around to make sure no merpeople were near as he casted a spell freeing her off the chain as he swam over to her.

Fleur was scared and in a panic for her little sister as everyone but her sister and Marcus swam up.

He took a lot of time swimming up to the surface as his gillyweed stuff stopped working but once he did almost reach the top the creatures grabbed his foot yanking him down as more and more kept coming for him he threw them up to the surface as the monsters swarmed him,every inch of him was being attacked as he used his wand knocking them all away as he sank to the bottom his eyes slowly opened.

"Ascedio."he casted as he flew out of the water all the way to the stand sliding across the floor landing with a thud.

"Marcus!"Dumbledore gasped as he choked up water "he's all right,he's all right."Dumbledore said Theo placed a towel on his shoulder "he's all right.Barty!"Dumbledore hollered.

"Go get him another towel!"Seamus called over.
"I want all the judges over here now!"Dumbledore demanded as Fleur kneeled down.

"You saved her,even though she wasn't yours to little sister."she remarked in a strong French accent "thank you!"she thanked kissing Marcus on the cheek twice before brushing down his hair.

"Marcus!"Hermione gasped as she placed a towel over him "Hermione!Ow!"he remarked at her .

"Are you all right?"she asked pulling off her towels and blankets placing them on him "you must be freezing."she said as he panted and shivered as Pansy and Theo passed him another towel.

"I think you behaved admirably."Pansy informed him.
"I finished last."He admitted as Hermione kissed his head giving him assurance as a little boy whistled Marcus shoved his head banging it on the wood.
"Next to last.Fleur never got past the Grindylows."she explained to him with a laugh as he was being hyped and shaked around by slytherins.

As they announced Marcus was second placed along with Viktor and then Harry.

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