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Just then the party door opened as Filch dragged Marcus by the collar as he squirmed pulling away knocking Ginny back "get your hands off me you filthy squib!"he spat as he tightened the grip.

"Professor Slughorn,sir.I just discovered this boy lurking."Filch informed him as the camera shuttered "he claims to be invited to your party."Filch added on.

"Okay,okay,I was gate crashing!"He snarled "happy?"he asked as Hermione entered the room again after escaping Cormac.

"I'll escort him out."Snape informed everyone as he grabbed him as he turned back to Hermione who waved him off.

"Maybe I did hex that Bell girl.Maybe I didn't.What's it to you?"he asked as Snape threw him against the wall.

"I will protect you!"He whispered yelled as Marcus clenched his jaw.
"I don't need protection!"he whisper yelled back through gritted teeth "I was chosen for this out of the others,maybe I didn't want it..but it's not a choice now,is it?"he asked as Snape loosened the grip on the boy.

"I can't fail him."
"You're afraid,Marcus.You attempt to conceal it,but it's obvious."Snape informed him "just let me assist you."he suggested.

"No!I was chosen.It's my turn to be the god."He argued gritting his teeth as Harry listened from the other side of the wall.

Next day on the train*
"Protect him?"Ron scoffed at Harry and Hermione  who were all processing everything as Hermione was already in a crap mood after lavender and her antics drawing hearts with her and Marcus's name.

"You sure that's what Snape said?"Ron asked raising his brows.
"Positive.why?"Harry asked as Hermione hadn't listened to anything.

"Well if he's made an unbreakable vow then he can't break it."
"I'd worked that much out for myself,funny enough"Harry informed him as Hermione left without any info as she still hadn't listened to a word.

"You don't understand."Ron informed him "oh bloody hell."Ron groaned as Lavender began writing hearts on their window with Marcus's name in it.

"All she wants to do is snog him."Ron scoffed at her actions as Hermione came back seeing it she once again stormed off staying in a different cart.

Back at Hogwarts*
Hermione and Harry strut the halls as Hermione talked about the news paper and how lucky harru was not to be killed that night at the Weasleys.

As they approached Lavender and Marcus as Lavender was none stop touching his hair and face as he just sat their blankly.

"That's my Marky-warky."she squealed touching his curls once again.

"Excuse me,I have to go and vomit."Hermione remarked widening her eyes and backing away.

As Marcus got up to leave she jumped on his back as he finally got Theodore to yank her off.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"she asked as Theodore held her back from jumping at him.
"If you'll leave me alone then yes."he remarked as him and Theo scattered from her.

Time skip*
Harry had come to the astronomy tower to gather previous events with Slughorn only to find Marcus drowsy,and half out of the world as he was almost seizing and finding at the mouth Harry was taking him to the nurse only to find out he was poisoned.

Next day*
A group of people were gathered around Marcus and his body as he'd refused to lose the suit last night it was now morning and he was knocked out cold as the teachers entered the room.

"I think we agree potters actions were heroic.The question is why were they necessary?"she asked with a soft gasp as they all knew harry had taken him to Slughorn before the nurse and that only made him worse.

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