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"You.Complete.Arse,Marcus Lestrange!"She snapped throwing leaves at him and hitting him with his own bag as Harry sniggered before she began reaching for her wand .

"Hermione no!"Harry and Marcus yelled in sync as the two interrogated him.

Time skip*
"How long do you think Hermione will be mad at me?"Marcus questioned as he practiced his spells with the wand he stole from a snatcher as they watched Hermione sit outside the tent after lighting them a candle.

"Keep talking about that ball of light that touched your heart and she'll come around."Harry said tapping his chest.

"Engorgio."he remarked as the candle burst into out of hand flames bursting out of the glass
"Reducio!"Harry yelled
"What's going on in there?!"Hermione yelled inside due to the racket.

"Nothing!"they yelled in sync.

Time skip*
Hermione was sitting in the tent with her knees at her chest as Marcus sat on the opposite side of the room as Harry was outside strutting while he thinks.

"You know Ron will come around right?"he asked walking over as O children played on the radio as he held his hand out to her.

Reluctantly she grabbed his hand as he pulled her off the steps as he reached around her neck taking off the horcrux throwing it onto the bottom bunk bed as he grabbed her hands.

He pulled her slowly to the centre of the room pulling her hands back and forth until she started falling into the dancing.

He had a small smile on his face as she was just giving him that type of look before a soft smile yet a soft gaze.

Before Hermione stepped left and he went right as he spun her around as they held hands rocking as they swayed in a circular motion as she spun him around and then he spun her.

As they held hands pulling closer rocking side to side before the dancing just became more of messing around as she pulled him in the two in the wrong positions it was more as if Marcus was the girl and she was the man as the two continued dancing as the music slowed down they just stepped side to side as they rested their heads on each others shoulders.

Next day*
They'd gone to where Harry's parents were killed meeting a strange woman as she turned into a snake attempting to attack them Hermione apparated them into the snowy woods.

It reached late that night when Hermione was sleeping Marcus and Harry sat outside by the fire that was slowly fading out.

As harry saw some kind of doe patronum in the woods as he got up running down the small steep hill to the frozen over river as Marcus followed him"lumos."he casted before he followed it down as he stepped on the ice it cracked at his touching slightly as he made his way to the middle of the river.

As the small blue light that was once a patronum went right through the ice as he stared down at it he wiped the frost as he looked through the dark water the sword glimmered as Harry turned to Marcus who was sliding across the ice.

"Accio sword."Harry casted as the sword shone he stood up "diffindo."he casted as the ice cracked and the water splashed.

Harry took off his shoes "don't tell me we're going in there."Marcus sighed before pulling his clothes off as they both jumped in "what are we looking for?"Marcus asked as if he didn't just see as Harry dove under the water Marcus followed after him as the water washed away hermiones wand that they were borrowing.

As they swam to the bottom Harry reached to grab the sword of gryffindor as he turned his head around to see Marcus squirming around in the water as he pulled on his neck as a faint screech was heard the horcrux began choking him as Harry tried to get it off his neck the boys couldn't seem to find their way out the water or how to get it off his neck.


The two boys bodies were dragged out the water as they opened their eyes there stood in firing of them,Ronald Weasley with the sword of gryffindor.

The boys panted as they jumped off the stone they were resting against as they quickly placed on their clothes over the top of their soaked boxers.

"Are you guys mental?"Ron panted with a chuckle "you cast the doe as well?" Harry asked pulling up his jeans.

"No.I-I thought that was one of you."Ron admitted "no,my patronus is a stag."Harry informed him.

"And I don't have one."Marcus reminded him as he put on his shirt.

Next day*
Last night Ron destroyed the horcrux and then Hermione went on a rampage at Marcus for losing her wand such as throwing him against a tree,then Ron for being gone and then Harry for not protecting her wand but luckily Ron had a spare wand.

They'd all agreed they needed to go visit Luna lovegoods house and Hermione was still holding a grudge and Marcus was not trying to make her forgive him but Ron was desperate for her forgiveness.

The birds chirped as they hiked up the grassy hills as the golden trio just followed behind Marcus.

"You're not still mad at him,are you?"Harry asked "who cares?"Ron shrugged as Hermione shook her head "I'm always mad at him."Hermione admitted as they reached the oddly shaped tall house that was built like a huge stone.


"Keep off the dirigible plumbs."Marcus read the sign aloud as Hermione rolled her eyes once again as it was the fifth time this day she had rolled her eyes or scoffed at him.

The top part of the wooden door opened as the other half stayed shut "what is it?"Lunas dad asked "who are you?What do you want?"

"Hello.Mr.Lovegood."Harry piped up from behind the others "I'm Harry Potter.We met a few months ago."Harry informed him as Harry jogged up the few steps.

"Could we come in?"Harry asked as they entered the house.

They all sat awkwardly holding mugs of tea "where's Luna?"Hermione asked breaking the silence.

"Luna?"he repeated "she'll be along."he said glancing down they all sat in silence before raising their cups in sync and drinking.

Harry and Ron hid their faces as Hermione and Marcus sighed eyed one another wincing at the bitter taste of the tea as they both struggled to swallow it the man turned away for a second as Hermione spat the tea into Marcus hand which he tipped out the window.

"So.."the man said "How can I help you,Mr Potter?"

"Well, was about something you were wearing 'round your neck at the wedding."Harry admitted exposing with his hands "it was a symbol."he added on as the man held up his chain with a symbol attached to the bottom.

"You mean this?"he asked as the silver symbol shimmered against his touch.

"Yes."Harry nodded touching it with his finger "that exactly."he said grabbing it with two fingers as he examined it.

"What we've wondered is...what is it?"he asked finally removing his hand.
"What is it?"the man repeated "well,it's the sign of the deathly hallows,of course."he said.

"The what?"
"What's that?"

"The deathly hallows."he repeated in utter shock at the confused young adults that were now offically all 18 "I assume you're all familiar with the tale of the three brothers."he assumed.

"Yes."Hermione and Ron answered,
"No."the other two replied.

"I have it in here."Hermione informed them as she reached into her bag.

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