Snape and Mcgonagall

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"That's what a fool does."Aberforth verbalised "you don't strike me as a fool,Harry potter.So I'll ask you again.There must be a reason."he said stepping closer to Harry's face.

"I'm not interested in what happened between you and your brother.I don't care that you've given up.I trusted the man I knew."Harry declared as Aberforth seemed shocked.

"And we need to get into the castle tonight."He repeated once more.
"You know what to do."he said looking up slightly as the painting nodded at him before walking further from the frame.

"Where have you sent her?"Harry asked him.
"You'll see soon enough."Aberforth declared at him before walking away.

"That's your sister,Ariana,isn't it?"she asked as he paused at the door "she died very young,didn't she?"Hermione added as he turned around.

"My brother sacrificed many things,Mr.Potter,on his journey to find power,including Ariana."He spoke shamefully of his brother "and she was devoted to him.He gave her everything.but time."

"Thank you Mr.Dumbledore."Hermione nodded as the man gave a small nod before leaving as the boys stared at her "he did save our lives twice."she reminded them as they stayed silent she folded her arms "kept an eye on us in that mirror."she added.

"That doesn't seem like someone who's given up."she whispered to Harry "she's coming back."Hermione said.

"Who's that with her?"Ronald questioned as the painting swung off the wall as they stepped back as passage way opened.

"Neville."Marcus remarked as Neville smiled
"Oh you look-"Harry began
"Like hell,I reckon."Neville laughed with a slightly bloody face.

"This is nothing.Seamus is worse."He admitted kneeling down "hey,Ab we've got a couple more coming through."Neville informed him as he entered the room.

"Don't remember this on the maidens map."Marcus remarked as they walked through "never existed till now."Neville admitted "the seven secret passages were sealed off before the start of the year.This is the only way in if out now."

"The grounds are crawling with death eaters and dementors."He informed them.
"How bad is Snape as headmaster?"Hermione questioned.

"Hardly ever see him.It's the carries you need to watch out for."Neville said sternly.
"Carrows?"Harry and Marcus asked in sync.

"Yeah.Brother and sister in charge of discipline."Neville piped up "they like punishment,the carrows."Neville remarked pointing at his face.

"They did that to you?"Hermione questioned
"Why?"Marcus asked

"Todays dark arts lessons had us practice the crutiatus curse...on first-years."he added on "I refused."he said as Marcus patted his back
"that's the biggest Neville thing."Marcus admitted "that's why Neville's the best kid at Hogwarts."He admitted as they got closer to the building as Neville nodded "Hogwarts has changed."
"Good to know you haven't."he admitted as if he didn't bully Neville in the first three years of Hogwarts with Theo.


"Let's have a bit of fun shall we?"Neville said as the painting opened announcing a room of hammocks or blankets and pillows on the floor for beds and students "hey,listen up,you lot.I brought you a surprise."

"Not more of Aberforths cooking,I a surprise if we can digest it."Seamus remarked as Neville raised a brow stepping to the side revealing the four.

"Blimey."Seamus remarked as all faces lit up even Lavenders as the students cheered while clapping.

"Get the word out."Neville muttered to a boy as everyone greeted everyone and the whole Marcus is bad situation was explained.

"Okay let's not kill them before you-know-who-"Neville demanded.

"So what's the plan?"Neville asked him as everyone watched in suspense as the boys was saying "we have a new weather report,lightning has struck."

"Oh jeez."Marcus remarked poking at seamus' face that was bruised and bloody.

"Okay.."Harry remarked as seamus pushed Marcus's hand off.
"There's something we need to find."Harry informed them "something hidden in this castle.and it may help us defeat you-know-who."

"Right.what is it?"Neville sighed with his arms folded.
"We don't know."Harry said.
"Where is it?"Dean asked.
"We don't know that either."He informed them"I realise that's not much to go on."

"That's nothing to go on."seamus corrected him
"I think it has something to do with Ravenclaw."Harry added on "erm it'll be small,easily concealed."Harry listed "anyone,any ideas?"

"Well there's Rowena Ravenclaws most diadem."Luna piped up as no one else did.
"Oh bloody hell here we go."Ron sighed.
"Lost diadem of Ravenclaw?"Luna asked "hasn't anyone heard of it?it's quite famous."Luna admitted.

Cho sighed "yes,but,Luna,it's lost,for centuries now."She reminded her as she shook her head "there isn't a person alive today who's seen it."she added.

"Excuse me can someone tell me what a bloody diadem is?"Marcus asked as Ron sided with his request.
"It's a sort of crown.You know,like a tiara."Cho informed him as they heard rumbling.

"Harry."Ginny remarked awkwardly
"Six months she hasn't seen me and it's like I'm Frankie first year.I'm her brother."Ron scoffed.

"Got lots over those.Only one Harry."
"Shut up seamus."
"Good one seamus."Marcus remarked as him and seamus dap one another up.

"What is it Ginny?"Neville asked as both Fred and George practically leaped at Marcus.
"Snape knows.He knows that they were spotted at Hogsmeade."Ginny informed them as the crowd turned to them.

Time skip*
Snape had demanded on all students taking a presence in the hall.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour."Snape had assumed as he stood on the stage "it's come to my attention that earlier this evening Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade."Snape announced as some of the clueless students murmured.

"Now,should anyone,student or staff,attempt to aid Mr.Potter,they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression."he informed them "furthermore,any person found to have knowledge of these events,who fails to come forward,will be treated as equally guilty."he admitted sternly.

"Now then,"he said walking down the steps "if anyone here has any knowledge of Mr.Potters movements this evening,I invite them to step forwards."he requested walking slowly down the gap between the students flooding the hall.

"Now."he added as no one moved,flinched or anything just then a bit walked forward as everyone gasped turning around,it was Harry who stepped forwards.

"It seems,despite your exhaustive defensive  strategies,you still have a bit of a security problem,headmaster."Harry spoke quickly as the doors behind opened and in walked the gang of Harry potters friends along with Lupin,Bill and molly and some more along their sides like Arthur, the Weasley twins,Fleur,Neville and all of the previous mains taking part in his support.

"And I'm afraid it's quite extensive."he added on "how dare you stand where he stood?"Harry asked   "Tell them how it happened that night.Tell them how you looked him in the eye,a man who trusted you,and killed him."Harry snapped "tell them."as Snape pulled out a wand they gasped as Minnie aka McGonagall ran to his defensive covering Harry as the students scattered back hiding against the wall.

Harry and Minnie held their wands ahead pointing at Snape as all of Harry's gang pulled out their wands as Minnie fired at Snape multiple times with flames as he blocked it each time but the wizards behind fell down as Snape turned to his shadow flying out the broken window he'd created.

"Coward!"McGonagall yelled after him just then all the student cheered and jumped as she lit the lights around the castle again.

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