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More prisoners had escaped Azkaban and the whole school was reading about it.

"Harry."seamus called out "I-uh I wanted to apologise."he said through thinned lips "now even me mum says the prophets version of things don't add up."He admitted coming to his senses.

"So..what I'm really trying to say is that...I believe you."he announced biting his lip.

Time skip*
"Neville?"Harry asked walking into the room of requirements.

"16 years ago a death eater named....Bellatrix Lestrange."Neville gulped "used the cruciatus curse on my parents."Neville admitted as it all replayed after he found out she had escaped.

"She tortured them for information,but they never gave in."he added looking at the photo of them "I'm quite proud to be their son."Neville said.

"But I'm not sure I'm ready for everyone to know yet."he informed Harry.

Time skip*
"Make it a powerful memory,the happiest you can remember.Allow it to fill you up."Harry explained pacing around.

"Keep trying,Seamus."he pointed out.

"George your turn now."
"Expects patronum!"

"A full body patronising is most difficult to produce..."Harry went on to explain as they all attempt it.

"I-I'm trying."Neville informed them.
"Yeah,we know.It's good."Marcus assured him despite the fact Neville hated his mother.

Time skip*
The wall broke down and as the dust faded it revealed Umbridge,Filch,and the slytherins but who snitched?

The group gasped as Draco yanked Cho and Cho yanked Marcus not being the only one going down.

"Get them!"Umbridge smiled as Marcus elbowed Draco knocking the smirk off his face.

Dumbledore ended up taking the fall for it and it didn't seem like it would end well.

Time skip*
The students watched Filch climb a ladder to nail another rule/info frame into the wall that was almost full "Dolores Jane Umbridge has replaced ALBUS DUMBLEDORE as headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry."
It was rule/info number 119.

Umbridge on PA:Boys and girls are not permitted to be within eight inches of each other.

She continued listing rules and how they can be expelled and all of a sudden Hogwarts had gone to the dogs.

Time skip*
The class was silent the only sound was the sound of writing as Umbridge watched and sipped tea.

The quad squad all watched with glares as they watched her grip her chair and sigh with a smile wishing Harry let them slip something in her drink but Harry and almost everyone was pissed at Marcus.

As they left class everyone glared and snarled at Cho no one listened to her side.

Time skip*
"Hagrid can you just tell us?"Harry snapped as Hagrid lured them into the forest as they heard neighing.

"I've never seen the centaurs so riled."he admitted as they ran around "and they're dangerous at the best of times."he sighed at the four teenagers.

"The ministry restricts their territory much more,they're gonna have a full uprising on their hands."Hagrid said glancing around.

"Hagrid,what's going on?"Hermione asked him everyone of the kids ignored Marcus's presence.

After chatter some Troll grabbed Hermione and Marcus tried to use a log to hit it but only ended up falling over in the end they got Hermione down well actually Hermione got herself down by telling the troll off and raising her finger at him.

Turns out the troll was a huge dump for Hermione.

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