The end

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"Ah.well done,Marcus."Voldemort said hugging the boys who pushed him off "I'm not joining you."He remarked in a quite tone a soft scoff.

"Don't be a hero,Marcus."Theodore muttered over "it's just a girl."Theo reminded him.

"We should've killed his mudblood girlfriend when we had the chance."Voldemort remarked as the death eaters laughed,the Hogwarts crowd shocked or crying.

"What'd you just say?"He asked as if he didn't hear him as bright as day "you're suffocated,Marcus."he informed him,he could've killed Marcus but he didn't.

"From where I'm standing you're the one who's suffocated."he remarked as the whole place fell silent and confused "I helped them,I broke all your rules and I'm still alive."He reminded him.

"I won't kill you but I can't promise you'll live."he spoke sternly with a smile raising the elder wand as Marcus's dad tried to interfere he was hushed.

Voldemort bellowed waving his wand wildly as Marcus flew against the wall of Hogwarts as his head bashed against the bricks as the wall crumbled as the crowd gasped,sobbed and Hermione yelled as Ron held her back as he got back up.

"Sectumsempra!"Voldemort bellowed again as blood spurred from Marcus's face and chest,as if he'd been slashed with an invisible sword as he staggered backwards and collapsed onto the floor with a thud,his wand falling from his limp right hand.

"No!"yelled Hermione over the gasped of the crowd as she plunged towards Marcus who's face was shining a scarlet colour,his white hands scrabbling at his blood soaked chest.
Theo ran from the crowd of death eaters and Neville stepped up talking to Voldemort causing his distraction from Theo as he kneeled beside the boy shaking uncontrollably in a pool of his own blood.

"Help me get him somewhere else."Hermione demanded as both her and Theo lifted his body over taking him deeper into the castle.


"It's okay."Hermione informed him applying pressure to his chest as Theodore stood up with his head against the wall and his lips thinned holding away his sobs as he clenched his fist covering his mouth.

Marcus's bloody hands removed hermiones as she sobbed "it's okay..I'm okay."He promised her with tearful eyes yet a smile as blood spluttered from his mouth Hermione and him holding eye contact.

She held his jaw with bloody hands as he did the same as she kissed him the she could feel the smile still plastered on his face the slight taste of blood on his lips as the two pulled away Hermione began sobbing but he didn't as both their heads pressed against each other as they heard commotion outside as Hermione stood to look outside.

Theodores PoV:
"I promise if you go,I will make sure she's alright."I promised him,yet how am I meant to say goodbye to the boy I've known my whole life,how in a span of thirty minutes all these years are over and gone "tell Draco,Fred-George."he corrected himself "tell them I'll miss them."
"It's gonna be okay."I argued.

Third person:
Neville was yelling at Voldemort who was just laughing with his followers as Hermione kneeled beside the boy close to death as Theo was sobbing beside him watching Hermione.

"I love you,Marcus."She said shakily sobbing as she held his jaw "I-I lo-."he stopped talking his breaths ended as Hermione sobbed as did Theo as Daphne greengrass approached jaw dropped as Theo sobbed against her as Hermione was laying against the now dead Marcus Lestrange.

Equal cuts//hermione granger X Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now