The Malfoy Manor

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Recommend Symphonia IX for this chapter.

She reached into her bag as the things clattered together before she managed to pull out the book.

She turned the page and began reading "There were once three brothers who were travelling along a lonely,winding road at twilight."she read out "midnight."Ron corrected "mum always said midnight."he elaborated as everyone gave him that are you serious?type of look.

"But twilights fine..better."Marcus assured her as Ron nodded rapidly as she once again looked fed up as she stared back at the book.

"What do you guys want to read it?"she asked as mr lovegood stared out the window.
"No..."Both the boys muttered like children.

"There were once three brothers who were travelling along a lonely,winding road at time the brothers reached a river too treacherous to pass..."

An elder wand
A stone
And an invisibility cloak.


"So there you are,those are the deathly hallows."he said turning away from the window.
"I'm sorry,sir.I still don't quite understand."Harry informed him.

Just then he drew out the wand,the stone,and the cloak creating the symbol they were questioning as it pieced together for them.

"Together they make the deathly hallows."he said staring up at them as he huddled over a table "together they make one master of death."he added on.

Once again Hermione broke the silence "that mark was on a grave in Godrics Hollow.Uh,mr lovegood,does the peverell family have any TV hug to do with the deathly Hallows?"

"Uh-uh,uh,uh,ignotus-excuse me."he said pushing through "and his brothers,Cadmus and Antioch,are thought to be the original owners of the Hallows are thought to be the original owners of the Hallows."he said grabbing the tea pot of the small circular table.

"And therefore the inspiration for the story.Uh-uh."he sighed looking in  tea pot "but your teas gone cold."he admitted walking off "I'll be right back."he assured them.

"Let's get out of here.I'm not having hermiones spit mixed with tea in my hand..again."Marcus argued grabbing the bag.

"I'm not drinking that hot or cold."Ron agreed as the others grabbed their bags "thank you,sir."Hermione thanked as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"You forgot the water."Ron piped up
"Water?"he asked him as Ron nodded awkwardly "for the tea."he added on.

"Did-did I?"he stuttered in dissatisfaction before chuckling "h-how silly of me."he said walking away.

"It's no matter."Hermione informed him "we really should be going anyway."

"No you can't!"he snapped as the dishes clattered in the sink as he ran to the door muttering words under his breath he collapsed against the door shaking "sir?"Harry said as he turned with tears in his eyes "You're my only hope."

"Sorry?"marcus asked.
"They were angry,you see,about what I'd been writing."he said with a long pause "So they took her."

"They took my Luna."He said shakily "my Luna."he cried holding his chest slowly approaching the group.

"But it's you they want."he said brushing back Harry's hair softly "who took her,sir?"Harry asked reliving the man's hand from his face.

He paused "Voldemort."he said as whooshing came from outside as the black shadows flew through the house breaking glass and bricks as Hermione yelled as they all dropped low.

Paper flew everywhere along with glass and stone as they slithered on the floor "Stop!"Xenophilius yelled at the deatheaters.

"I've got him!"he screamed as he slid down the steps on his porch as all his pots and plates shattered they all grabbed hands before Hermione dissappareted  them just as the roof caved in.

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