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They stayed at Bill and Fleurs house on the beach as Harry was sat at Dobbys grave stone that said Dobby was a free elf.

Hermione and Marcus sat at the table in silence as Hermione was sharing a few occasional glances but Marcus was just sort of watching her,he seemed mesmerised by Hermione,it was like she brought out the light in his eyes and his soul.

"It's beautiful here."Luna piped up as Bill set mugs on the table "it was our aunts."he informed her "we used to come here as kids."he added.

"The order uses it now as a safe house."Bill said as him and Fleur glanced at one another "what's left of us,at least."

"Muggles think these keep evil away,but they're wrong."Luna informed them as Harry entered the house as she stared at the seashells.

"I need to talk to the goblin."Harry instigated sternly.

Time skip*
Goblin had informed them Bellatrix had the fake sword in her vault and it was placed there by Snape as they'd compromised with the elf they left the room stopping half way down the steps.

"Are you thinking there's a horcrux in Bellatrixs vault?"Hermione asked them.
"She was terrified when she thought we'd been there."Harry pointed out "she kept asking you what else we'd taken."he added on.

"I bet you anything there's a Horcrux in there,another piece of his soul."Harry assured them "let's find it and kill it,and then,we're one step closer to killing him."Harry demanded.

"And what happens when we find it?"Ron asked
"How do we destroy it if you've given the sword to Griphook?"Marcus asked putting his arm over Hermiones shoulder as she brushed him off,she was a words of affirmation girl and he was a physical touch type boy.

"I'm still working on that part."Harry admitted as the door opened from behind Harry.

"He's weak."Fleur said stepping aside as they entered the room.
"Yes?"he asked in a raspy tone like his throat had been slit.

"Mr.Ollivander,I need to ask you a few questions."Harry informed him.

Time skip*
"You sure that's hers?"Marcus asked as Hermione held up the hair that she insisted was bellatrixs.

"Positive."She said holding up the curled black strand of hair.


The boys waited on the beach as Hermione strutted out looking like Marcus's mother.

"Well?"she asked slouching and clearly hating it as Griphook stood behind her with the sword "how do i look?"She asked raising her hands slightly.

"Hideous."Marcus admitted although he was also faking to be someone,the other boys to afraid to diss Hermione.
"You can give all that to Hermione to hold,all right,Griphook?"Harry said as he placed the sword inside the tiny bag.

They all joined hands "we're relying on you,Griphook."Harry informed him "if you get us past the guards and into the vault,the swords yours."Harry said as Griphook placed his hand over the others as they dissaparted away.

They landed in an Alley,as Hermione aka fake Bellatrix strutted ahead.
"Madam Lestrange."The tall bald man remarked.
"Good morning."she remarked forgetting her voice and the fact she was literally Bellatrix.

"Good morning?seriously Hermione?"Marcus questioned as Hermione also seemed disappointed.

"You're Bellatrix Lestrange not some dewy-eyed school girl."Griphook snarled as Hermione walked back down the alley way.

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