Mention our name?

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(I did not mean to add the song in)

"You let him in?"hermione questioned "Harry,you can't do that."she argued as they walked up the grassy hill.

"Hermione,I can't always help it.Well,maybe I can.I don't know."He snapped as they all panted tiredly "Never mind.what happened?"Ron wanted to know.

"Well,he's angry."Harry said as if that wasn't clear "and scared too."he added as Hermione got on her knees rummaging in her bag.

"I reckon he'll stop at nothing to make sure we don't find the rest."Harry said as Hermione applied droplets to the boys inured hands.

"There's of thems at Hogwarts."Harry said "what?"Hermione asked in disbelief as the Ron and Harry struggled to  pull off their shirts "you saw it?"she asked Harry.

"I saw the castle and Rowena Ravenclaw."he informed her "it must have something to do with her.We have to go there now."Harry demanded.

"What?we can't do that!we've got to plan,we've got to figure it out."she told him.
"Hermione when have any of our plans ever worked out?"Marcus asked pulling off his shirt as did Harry.

"We plan,we get there,all hell breaks loose."Harry replied as he began putting on new clothes as did the others boys as Hermione started to unbutton the cloak on her.

"He's right.One problem,Snapes headmaster now.we can't just walk through the front door."Ron reminded them.

"Erm,we'll go to Hogsmeade,to Honeydukes."Harry informed them "to take the secret passage in the cellar."he said as they struggled to put on clothes over their soaked bodies.

"It's-There's something wrong with him."Harry admitted as Marcus used a towel to cover Hermione as she changed.
"and now everything just feels disconnected."Harry added on out of breath from non stop rambles.

"Maybe it's the Horcruxes."Ron suggested "maybe he's growing weaker.maybe he's dying."Ron pointed out as Harry rubbed his nose shaking his head "no,no,it's more like he's wounded.if anything,he feels more dangerous."Harry admitted.

Time skip*
Late that night Hermione apparated them into Hogsmeade as the alarms started screeching which sounded like cats dying as they heard men in the distance they bolted.

"They're here!"
"Search everywhere!"
"Look down by the stables!You two,come with me!"
"Any sign?"
The men yelled as they all hid behind a desk as two men walked around pulling the sheets off the desk they were a few feet from them as the alarms screeched again as they left.


They all panted running up the stairs in the alley way as they reached the gate Hermione shook it realising it would budge as they heard men they turned around.

"In here,potter."a man whispered as they ran inside slightly skeptical as they walk down the stairs squeezing through the thin space that would send claustrophobic people spiralling.

"Did you get a look at him?"Ron asked "for a second I thought it was.."
"I know.Dumbledore."she remarked as men chattered near by they walked down the hall staring at the paintings.

"Harry?"Hermione said looking into a mirror looking thing that had Harry inside "I can see you in this."she pointed out as Harry turned around and then looked back at the shard of glass he carried around looking at it he saw Hermione.

He walked over as he checked it out "you bloody fools."the tall bearded man said.

He looked like as if Hagrid had gone grey.
"What were you thinking coming here?"he asked "have you any idea how dangerous it is?"he called on glancing between them.

"You're aberforth,Dumbledores brother."Harry pointed out "it's you who I've been seeing in here."he said as the man walked to the table "you're the one who sent Dobby."he added.

"Where have you left him?"he asked as they all fell silent "he's dead."Harry informed him.
"Sorry to hear it.I liked that elf."

"Who gave that to you? The mirror?"Harry asked him curiously "Mundungus Fletcher,about a year ago."he said.

"Dung had no right selling that to belonged to-"
"Sirius."Aberforth interrupted "Albus told me."he sighed "he also told me you'd likely be hacked off if you ever found out I had it,but ask yourself,where would you be if I didn't?"he asked walking closer to Harry.


Ron and Hermione practically threw themselves at the table when Aberforth placed down butterbeer and food.

"Do you hear from the others much?From the order?"hermione asked handing a biscuit and butter beer to Marcus who was practically almost asleep while standing up.

"The orders finished."he informed her "you-know-who's won.Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves."
"Then I guess I'm kidding myself."Marcus uttered at  him.
"We need to get into Hogwarts,tonight."Harry demanded "Dumbledore gave us a job to do."he said as Hermione and Ron scoffed down the cake slices.

"Did he know?"Aberforth asked "Nice job? Easy?"he questioned pouring wine.
"We've been hunting Horcruxes."Harry admitted "we think the last ones inside the castle,but we'll need your help getting in."Harry announced.

"That's not a job my brothers given's a suicide mission."He snarled "do yourself a favour,boy,go a little longer."

"Dumbledore trusted me to see this through."Harry said as Marcus gave Hermione his slice of cake as Ron snarled in jealousy "what makes you think you can trust him?"Aberforth discussed "what makes you think you can believe anything my brother told you?in all the time you knew him,did he ever mention my name?"he finished as the teenagers stared at one another.

"Did he ever mention hers?"he asked pointing at the painting as Ron asked Hermione for some of the cake "no Hermione don't."Marcus argued sarcastically before giving Ron his butterbeer instead.

"Why should he?"Harry asked him.
"Keep secrets?You tell me."he argued yet in a calm tone "I trusted him."Harry argued back.

"That's a boys answer."he scoffed walking over "a boy who goes chasing Horcruxes on the world of a man who wouldn't even tell him where to start."

"You're lying!"Aberforth ululated in anger "not just to me,that doesn't matter.To yourself as well."he argued.

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