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Harry used his luck potion instead of the plan he did his own thing and managed to find out quite a bit from Slughorn before leaving hagrids hut late that night,he discovered what a horcrux is and how Dumbledore couldn't deystroyed it without his help.

Next day*
Dumbledore had taken Harry somewhere for the whole day and it had reached dark as Marcus laid on his back staring at the roof blankly the thoughts replaying in his head as the thunder rumbled outside he turned to his side climbing out of bed.


He once again got on his suit exiting the room and past the hallway all the teenagers made out in all the way to the room of requirements he was meant to meet Draco and Theo at.

As he entered the room of requirements he pulled down the red patterned sheet to reveal the vanishing cabinet as the handle ticked and moved by itself he stepped back.

His face trembled as the colour slowly slipped from his face and lips as the door opened out coming black shadows as his breaths grew heavier he began retreating back.

Out walked three death eaters along side Bellatrix as he turned the corner hiding in the room as they all smirked in their surroundings.

Marcus had made his way to the Astronomy tower making loud sounds with his footsteps alerting anyone near,he had no passion about doing this but he also had no choice.

Harry went down below as Dumbledore demanded seeing Marcus walk up the stairs to the tower.

Marcus held his wand out as he met eye to eye with Dumbledore "Good evening,Marcus."He remarked pushing the fear in his body down.

"What brings you here on this fine spring evening?"Dumbledore asked the boy clearly shaking in his boots.

"Who else is here?I heard you talking."Marcus admitted glancing around.
"I often talk aloud to myself."Dumbledore assured him "I find it extraordinarily useful."he added.

"Have you been whispering to yourself,Marcus?"he asked as Harry watched below the floorboards.

Marcus squinted his eyes with slight confusion before brushing it off his eyes maintained the redness.

"Marcus,you are no assassin."Dumbledore reminded him "how do you know what I am?"Marcus asked his voice shaking tearfully.

"I've done things that would shock you."he admitted

"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that in return she'd bear a cursed necklace to me?"Dumbledore asked already knowingly "Like replacing a bottle with poison and poising yourself? Forgive me,Marcus.I cannot help feeling these actions are so weak that your heart can't really have been in them."Dumbledore said sternly.

"He trust me!"he spat as his eyes watered "I was chosen."he defended pulling up his sleeve revealing the dark mark as Dumbledores stomach dropped.

"Then I shall make it easy for you."he said raising his wand "Expeliarmus!"Marcus yelled as Dumbledores wand flew from his finger tips as Marcus's arms began shaking and his breaths deeper.

"Very good. Very good."Dumbledore informed him as the door opened "you're not alone."Dumbledore spoke at the sudden sound "there are others."he said as he glanced behind him as he grew shakier.

"How?"Dumbledore asked stepping forwards.
"The vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement."He informed him taking deep speedy breaths "I've been mending it."

"Let me guess.it has a sister,a twin."Dumbledore said "In Borgin and Burkes.They form a passage."Marcus replied.

"Ingenious."Dumbledore admitted "Marcus,years ago,I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices."Dumbledore explained shaking his head.

"Please let me help you-"
"I don't want your help!Don't  you understand?"marcus asked him as tears fell,he grew pale as the skin around his eyes grew red and puffy.

"I have to do this."he said through gritted teeth and a shaky body "I have to kill you."he said as his voice cracked.

"Or he's gonna kill me."he whispered shakily as footsteps quickly approached as he met eyes with his mother he raised his guard on his wand once again.

The death eaters all smiled along with Bellatrix as Draco and Theo followed after them.

"Well,look who we have here."Bellatrix remarked as her heels clicked as she stepped behind her shaky son "well done,Marcus."she whispered down his ear as she placed her chin on his shoulder.

"Good evening,Bellatrix."Dumbledore greeted as she walked around as he became surrounded "I think introductions are in order,don't you?"he asked.

"Love to,Albus."she admitted "but I'm afraid we're all on a bit of a tight schedule."she sighed screeching her voice on the last word.

"Do it!"she whisper yelled turning to her son.
"He doesn't have the stomach,he's just like his farther."Greyback said.

"Marcus he'll kill you."Theodore reminded him.
"Let me finish him in my own way."Greyback demanded.

"No!the dark lord was clear,the boy is to do it!"Bellatrix reminded him "this is your moment,do it."Bellatrix demanded at him as he was shaking.

"Go on,Marcus!"she snapped "now!"she shouted as Marcus kept shaking "no."Snape said approaching behind them as the boy gasped turning around lowering his wand.

"Severus."Dumbledore spoke softly "please."

"Avada kedavra."Snape said throwing Dumbledore over the edge of the tower as Marcus's face trembled Snape grabbed him and the other boys dragging them away as the older death eaters watched Dumbledore fall as Bellatrix yelled.


The boy was shaken in fear as he walked with the group as Bellatrix ran across the dinner tables smashing glasses with her boots.

"Yeah!"Bellatrix yelled shattering the windows as the boys watched in fear as all the candles blew out they took the boys into the woods as Harry followed them down to hagrids hut "Hagrid!hello?"Bellatrix yelled.

"Snape!he trusted you!"Harry snapped as the boys and Snape turned Bellatrix burned down the hut as Marcus went sprinting off with the boys as Harry and Snape argued.

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