Fourth year is over

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It was the last challenge the maze,somehow everyone got lost except Harry and Cedric as they both reached the cup they were just gone.

Everyone was exited from the maze and it had grown dark still no sign of either or the boys
Just then they appeared landing on the ground as the crowd cheered but Harry was sobbing.

No one but the fans spoke near realised Cedric was dead as Fleur let out a bone shaking scream.

Marcus's stomach dropped as he saw Cedric he fell beside his body as Dumbledore tried to pull them away.

"Get off!"

"For god sake Dumbledore!what's happened?"the man yelled running over to the two boys over Cedric's deceased body.

"He's back!Hes back!"Harry yelled as everyone fell into a state of confusion "Voldemorts back!Cedric,he asked me to bring his body back!"He sobbed as the crowds faces dropped as they stopped applauding.

"I couldn't leave him!Not there!"Harry admitted through pain.
"It's all right,it's okay."Dumbledore reassured.

"Keep all in seats,a boy has just been killed."a man muttered as the crowd began chattering.

"The body must be move Dumbledor,there's too many people."

"Let me through."Cedric's dad demanded pushing through the crowd "Let me through!"he snapped running down the grass.

"That's my son!"He yelled out "That's my boy!"he cried falling to his knees "it's my boy!"he screamed over the dead body as Cho cried Moody dragged Marcus away before gripping Harry back.

Cedric's dad let out the worst yell you could ever imagine as he clutched his chest in pain as Moody escorted the boy away as Amos (Cedric's dad)sobbed and yelled violently as Dumbledore held him

Day skip*
A ceremony was held for Cedric as they announced Voldemort was back.

Everyone packed up and left Hogwarts as Viktor left a note to Hermione they all left ready to return next year.

Hermione still despised Marcus but slightly less than she did before.

Equal cuts//hermione granger X Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now