Golden egg

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The camera shuttered "what a charismatic quarter."she remarked walking over to the group.

"Hello.I'm Rita Skeeter."she informed them shaking all their hands "I write for the daily prophet."

"But ofcourse you know that,don't you?"she bragged "it's you we don't know."she chuckled licking her teeth.

"You're the juicy news."she added on "what quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks?"She asked rubbing Fleurs cheek before smacking her lightly.

"What mysteries do the muscles mask?"she asked rubbing Cedric and Marcus's hair "Does courage lie beneath those curls?"she asked placing her arms around them "in short,what makes a champion tick?"

"Me myself and I want to know.not to mention my rabid readers."she wheezed "So who's feeling up to sharing?"she asked them as they all fell silent.

"Shall we start with youngest?Lovely."She sighed dragging Marcus away as he argued pointing at Harry.


"This is cozy."she sighed as the two of them stood inches apart trapped in the small space.
"It's a broom cupboard."he argued trying to distance himself as she shoved him down the stairs "don't mind me if u use a quick quotes quill,do you?"she asked sitting him in the seat.


"So tell me,Marcus.Here you sit,a mere boy of 12-"she spoke as the pen began writing itself
"im 14 almost 15."he corrected her as she was annoyed with him already.

"About to compete against four students...not a vastly more emotionally mature than yourself...but who have mastered spells that you wouldn't attempt.."

Time skip*
Everyone was wearing Potter stinks badges and everyone was hating on him but now as Marcus was called 'Marcus Lestrange.' Again no one dared to really even speak to him anymore.

Cedric and Marcus were demanded by Harry to meet up as Harry informed them "Dragons,that's the first task.They've got one for each of us."

"Are you serious?"
"That's real funny pottah."
"I'm being serious."Harry argued with a nod.

"And Fleur and Krum,do they-?"
"Yes."Harry nodded as the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs were calling the boys back over.

"Harry ignore the badges."
"I've asked them not to wear them-"
"Don't worry about it."

Time skip*
"Why so tense pottah?"Draco asked as him and Marcus sat in a tree "my farther and I have a bet,you see.I don't think you're gonna last 10 minutes in this tournament."he spoke jumping down "he disagrees.he thinks you won't last five-"Draco snarled laughing as Harry's turned over.

"I don't give a damn what your farther thinks,Malfoy!"Harry snapped at him pushing him back.

"He's vile and cruel and you're just as pathetic."
"Jeez pottah got you good."Marcus remarked as Draco snarled.

"Pathetic?"Draco asked grabbing his wand out as Harry walked off "oh no you don't sonny!"Moody yelled "ahh!"Draco yelled turning into a ferret.

"Holy shit!"Marcus yelled from the tree.

"I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned!"Moody yelled down at the now ferret as the boys all laughed.

"You stinking,cowardly,scummy.."Moody remarked flying the ferret up and down.

"Professor moody!"Mcgonagal yelled running over as ye two slytherin snitches followed her.

"Back-shooting-"moody paused as she questioned him "what are you doing?"
"Teaching."he admitted.

"Is that a-is that a student?"
"It's Malfoy."Marcus laughed along with Theo and Harry.
"Technically it's a ferret."Moody defended as a crowd formed he placed the ferret down Crabbes pants.

As it escaped McGonagall turned him back "my farther will hear about this!"he yelled as moody began chasing him.

"Is that a threat?"he asked chasing Malfoy.
"Run moody!Get him!"
"come on moody!"Theo and Marcus chant as McGonagall tries to stop him.

Time skip*
The boys plus Fleur were all changing into their clothes for the challenge ahead as the Weasley twins were making people bet.

All attention inside the tent turned to the dragons roaring as Marcus was putting on his robe that now said Lestrange instead of Finch.

"Psst."the curtain said as Marcus and Harry were putting on gloves.
"Harry is that you?"Hermione asked as Harry assured her after her quick talk she moved the curtain throwing her arms over Harry and one arm on Marcus's shoulder hating him yet not wanting him dead as the camera shuttered the three all backed away.

"Young Love triangle!"Rita gasped at them "oh how...stirring."she remarked wadding over as the flying pen and notebook catch all she's saying.

"If everything goes unfortunately three might make the front page."she informed them as the whole tent was dirty eyeing her.

"You have no business here."Viktor snarled at the woman "This tent is for champions.and friends."he added on.

Time skip*
Everyone made it out and Harry almost died doing it but it came down to the last boy who needed to get the golden egg from the dragon.

Finally it was Marcus's turn as the canon went of shaking the tent as Marcus walked out as the crowd chanted his name.

As he spotted the egg the crowd began to silence as Marcus strutted down the rocky hill as the dragons tail swung behind him the crowd gasped as he tumbled down.

The crowd yelled but the dragons roaring over powered everyone.

The Dragon blew fire at the boy as the crowd yelled he began running.

Fred intrigued in it George worried for him.

As he crawled away the dragon threw his tail at Marcus as the crowd screamed again as he fell off the hill as rocks tumbled down.

Marcus yelled as the dragon threw him across the rocks the crowd slowly stood back up after ducking the Dragon roared as Hermione and Theodore shared those type of looks.

Once again he began running as it through flames at him "your wand,Marcus!"hermione yelled hitting the wood "your wand!"

"Accio Firebolt!"he yelled as nothing happened he began running again just then his broom came flying over to him.


The crowd yelled as he jumped onto his broom just as he missed grabbing the Egg the dragon screeched as everyone winced the dragon escaped the chains and began chasing him around as the dragon broke through the wooden bleachers following after him.

"Yeah Whoo!"Theodore yelled
"Yeah well done dragon!"the twins and Theodore yelled.

Time skip*
Everyone thought he died as all the roaring and yelling ahead stopped they all began talking about how he might be dead that was until he rose again "Yes!Yes!"Hermione cheered throwing her hands up as the crowd joined her as he finally swooped up the egg.

Equal cuts//hermione granger X Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now