3 broomsticks

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"I don't want to take potions.This quidditch-"Ron whined as they crashed into Marcus "watch yourself weasle."He remarked as his nose was bloodied up,walking into potions the two following after him.

"Attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all planning."he explained as the boys walked in "Harry,I see you've brought some people."
"Ron Weasley sir."
"Marcus Lestrange."he spoke as Lavender was all goo goo gaga over him with her eyes
Lavender handed Marcus a book as the other two boy had to race for the new version instead of the old.

"Any ideas what these might be?"Slughorn asked walking around the cauldron steaming up as Hermione hand raised in the air.

"Granger,sir."she said before walking forwards "that one there is Veritaserum,it's a truth telling serum.And that would be Polyjuice potion.It terribly tricky to make.And this is Amortentia."she informed the class.

"The most powerful love potion in the world."she added on "its rumoured to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them."she gulped "for example I smell.."she paused as the steam turned green "cinnamon,and...rain,and...light banana..blood."She informed them with a gasp as she stepped back glancing towards Marcus who glanced away from her.

"Now,Amortentia doesn't create actual love.That would be impossible."he chattered as half of the girls especially lavender were trying to smell "but it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession."he explained "and for that reason,it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room."he said placing the lid on as the five girls stepped back.

"Sir?you haven't told us what's in that one."a girl pointed out.
"Oh,yes."he spoke grabbing the tiny bottle "what you see before you ladies and gentle men."he said unscrewing the top "is a curious little potion known as Felix Felicis."he announced holding up the clear limited amount of liquid.

"But it's more commonly referred to as-"
"Liquid luck."Hermione piped up again,
"Yes miss granger.Liquid Luck."he nodded with widened eyes.

"Desperately trick to make,disastrous should you get it wrong.one sip and you will find that all of your endeavours succeed."He admitted as each of them were dying to try except Marcus who actually just looked like he was dying from how pale he was looking at the moment.

"At least until the effects wear off."he added on with a grin holding the bottle in a shape of a tear drop "so this is what I offer each of you today.One tiny vial of liquid luck."he announced.

"To the student who,in the hour that remains,manages to brew an acceptable draught of the living death,the recipes for which can be found on page 10 of your books."he added on.

"I should point out,however,only once did a student manage to brew a potion of sufficient quality to claim this prize."

Time skip*
No matter how hard they tried to cut it ,it continued bouncing off the knife yet Harry was the only one who managed it.

"How did you do that?"Hermione asked him as she dodged being hit in the head.

"You crush it,don't cut it."Harry informed her.
"No.The instructions specifically say to cut."she argued refusing but as Marcus heard it that's what he did and he got about a quarter through the potion correctly .

"No,really."he said as she continued to try cut it everyone's either burned or exploded..Everyones but Harry's.

One girls even turned into slime.

"Merlin's heard.it is perfect."Slughorn admitted dropping in a red leaf "so perfect I daresay one drop would kill us all."he spoke as Hermione gave a soft smile at harry even tho her blood burned with jealousy.


"So here we are,then,as promised."he spoke as Lavender was once again eyeing up Marcus "one vial of Felix Felicis."he said handing it to Harry "congratulations.use it well."he said staring the round of applause as all but the slytherin boys clapped as they just kept their hands in their pockets each eyeing someone in the room.

Time skip*
"Oh..You got my message..come in.Enjoying classes?"
"Am I in trouble or something?"he asked as Dumbledore shook his head.

"I know professor Slughorn said you did okay today."
"Good for him?"Marcus said as Dumbledore nodded.

"What how about your behaviour outside the classroom?"he questioned
"Sorry?"Marcus asked.

"Well,I noticed you don't spend time with Hermione or Theo like you used to."
"No..no..me and Hermione we were just friends..she great but yeah.."he said as Harry entered the office the two swapping places as Marcus left.

Time skip*
Ron had just finished try outs "I have to admit,I thought I'd miss that last one."Ron sniggered "I hope cormacs not taking it too hard."

"She's done it again."Hermione admitted handing the boys the newspaper 'miss granger striking taste in rich slytherins' ever since the fourth year they've continued with hermiones love story in the news.

Once again it was a heart replaying a video of Hermione and Marcus.

"He's got a thing for you,Hermione.Marcus"Harry informed her as she grabbed the paper "he's vile."she admitted.

"What about Cormac?he has a thing for you."Ron added on "he's also vile."she sighed looking at the video again more closely.

Time skip*
The golden trio entered the three broomsticks Ron and Harry sitting opposite Hermione as Harry insisted.

"Something to drink?"the man asked.
"Uhm,three butter beers,and some ginger in mine please."she said as some how once again meeting face to face with Lestrange who was growing more pale by the day as he was eating a banana as Theodore and Ginny chatted in a booth.

Marcus was waiting for Theo as they apparently "had to do something."So he was just waiting for Theo to stop whispering stuff down ginnys ear.

"Oh,bloody hell."Ron sighed at the sight walking away to go wait for their butter beers.
"Over react much."Hermione sighed "they're only holding hands...and snogging."she said sounding like she was gonna gag as Marcus got up.

"Where are you going?"
"That happens to be my friend and a someone snogging."he snarled at her.
"What if he looked over here and saw you snogging me,would you expect him to get up and leave?"she asked shrugging with a chuckle leaning back slightly raising her shoulders

"Besides me and Theo have business to take care of."He remarked grabbing Theo's arm dragging him out.

"You can't say that's not suspicious."Harry argued as Ron brought over the butter beers with a sigh of relief.

Equal cuts//hermione granger X Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now