Room of flames

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"Potter?"She asked as Harry sat down a look of fear on his face as the room went darker as low rumbles and growls came surrounding Hogwarts just then a high pitched girl screamed over and over again as Harry began walking over to the little girl in the corner covering her ears and screaming then another girl screamed from the opposite side.
"I know that many of you will want to fight."Voldemorts voice whispered from nowhere.

"Some of you may even think that to fight is wise.But this is folly."he said as the word folly echoed "give me Harry Potter."He demanded as the last words continued to echo "do this and none shall be harmed.Give me Harry potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched.Give me Harry potter.And you will be rewarded."he said as most students began considering it.

"You have one hour."Voldemort added as all returned normal but the students all eyed Harry.

"What are you waiting for?"Pansy yelled "Someone grab him."she said as Ginny stepped forwards hiding Harry behind her as more and more surrounded him as filch came yelling "students out of bed!"over and over.

"Students in the corridor!"he yelled running through the hall with his cat as the buckles on his shoes click.

"They are supposed to be out of bed,you blithering idiot."McGonagall scolded him.
"Oh."Filch said awkwardly "sorry,ma'am."he said backing out.

"As it happens,Mr.Filch,your Attucks is most opportune.if you would,I would like you,please."she demanded walking over.

"To lead Miss Parkinson and the rest of the slytherin house from the hall."she demanded "minus mr Lestrange."She added as Filch let go of Marcus's arm.

"Well exactly where is it I'll be leading them to,ma'am?"he questioned.
"The dungeons would do."she informed him as all the students around clamoured and cheered as filch dragged them out.

"I presume you have a reason for returning,potter.What is it you need?"She asked him "time, much as you can get me."he pleaded as she nodded "do what you have to.I'll secure the castle."she said as he walked away "potter."she said as he turned around "it's good to see you."she admitted.

"It's good to see you too,Professor."he nodded "hold the fort Neville."he instructed.

The students and the people in the paintings were yelling and running downstairs as Harry and the main other three ran upstairs.

"Harry!we've been thinking it doesn't matter if we find the Horcrux."Ron informed him
"What do you mean?"he asked.
"Unless who can destroy it."Hermione added on.

"So we were thinking..."
"Well they were thinking.and it's brilliant."Hermione corrected.

"You destroyed it with the fang,right?"Marcus asked him as Harry nodded "well we think we know where we might find one."he admitted.

"Okay."Harry nodded "okay but take this that way you can find me when you get back."he said handing them the map as Hermione and Marcus split up from Ron and Harry as the boys went to the Ravenclaw common room as Hermione grabbed Marcus shoulder pushing him ahead as Luna chased after Harry and Ron.

Time skip*
As Hermione allowed Marcus to make it quick and talk to Fred and George right before they head down to the chamber of secrets entrance.

He began speaking parseltounge as the snakes clicked into place opening the entrance as they walked through they found the fully decomposed body that was now only a Skelton of the Basilisk as Marcus ripped one of the teeth out Hermione opens her bag pulling the trophy out.

"You do it."he demanded
"I can't."she argued softly,stepping back as he grabbed her hand "yes,you can."he said placing the trophy on the ground.

They stared in silence before she stabbed it then it clattered against the floor as water began gushing in from both sides of the room as a huge wave raised up Marcus grabbed hermiones hand as the two began running the water was too fast and ended up drenching them and then the water stopped.

The two slowly turned to each other slowly as they hesitated before Hermione threw her hands over his jaw and his hands around her waist as the feeling of their racing hearts as the warmth of his lips pressed against hers.

It lasted a solid minute as the two pulled away a soft gasp leaving Hermiones  lips before it turned into a smile as the two chuckled.

Time skip*
"Bloody hell.We won't find it on this."Marcus informed her as they strolled through the halls meanwhile the deatheaters were invading.

"There he is,just there."she pointed out.
"Brilliant,of course your the one who spots him."He remarked as the two got ready to head that way when he just vanished "he was just there.he just vanished."Hermione said as rumbles were heard and dust fell from the roof.

"Room of requirements,it doesn't show on the map,that's what you said last year."He informed her "tha-that's right I-I did."she said as the two scattered off.


"Well,well what brings you potter and weasle?"Theo asked as his two knob head for  friends stood beside him
"I could ask you the same."Harry remarked as Theo,Draco and Blaise.

"You have something of mine.I'd like it back."Theo informed him "what's wrong with the one you have?"Harry questioned.

"It was my's powerful,but not the same."he informed Harry "doesn't quite..understand me.Know what I mean?"he said as they stood in silence.

"Come on Theo,don't be a part,do him." Goyle whispered down his ear.
"Easy."Draco remarked as Harry reached for his wand.

"Expelliarmus!"Hermione yelled running around the corner as  Draco ran away "Avada kedavra!"Goyle yelled as Hermione as she ducked away from it "stupefy!"she yelled as Marcus started chasing them "That's my girlfriend,you numpties!"He yelled after them as Hermione couldn't be bothered chasing him instead let out a soft smile of relief as Harry knocked down chairs of the chair tower as the boys Marcus were chasing wouldn't stop yelling as him,Ron and Hermione started climbing the chair tower as a bunch of creatures flew at them screeching.

"Got it!"Harry yelled as he grabbed the tiara from the small crack beneath the sofa chair as the three jumped down waiting on Marcus.

"Hermione!Run!"He yelled as they seemed confused as they saw a light Ron started crying and running as Marcus ran over "Goyle set the place on Fucking fire!"He shouted grabbing hermiones arm dragging her away as the smoke of fire chased them from every corner.

Until the whole place was burning from every inch of the room as fire leaps their way Harry threw water from his wand as Harry passed them all brooms as the fire was delayed the four others were climbing away from the fire that swarmed them as Goyle fell with a scream as the boys stared in fear before continuing to climb.

"This way!"Ronald screamed in fear as they passed the slytherins the table fell as they hung in for dear life Marcus was the first to turn back as Ron yelled at him he swooped up Theo as he told Draco he'd be back just as Harry came over grabbing Draco who was crying.

"He's joking right?"Ron yelled "if we did for them ,Marcus I'm gonna kill you!"He said before he went and saved Blaise as they flew off dodging the burning chairs and falling books as Hermione cleared a passage through the flames to escape.

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