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"Katie you don't know what it could be."Leanne argued as the girl messed with something she found in the snow.

"Harry."Ron groaned
"Did you hear what she said to Marcus back at the pub? About him and her snogging?"Ronald asked as Hermione was walking ahead of them as Hermione gasped putting her arms around the two boys as their smiles dropped when Leanne screamed at the top of her lungs.

"I warned her.I warned her not to touch it."she informed them as they stared at the girl collapsed in the snow who was still eyes opened as her body slid left to right letting out roars as she flew into the sky before dropping to the ground as her head twitched.

"Don't get any closer.get back,all of you."Hagrid demanded as his beard was covered in snow he pushed past the golden trio.

"Now,now,now,now."Hagrid sighed walking to her body and picking her up bridal styled taking her back to Hogwarts as Harry walked over to the scene "do not touch that,except by the wrappings."Hagrid demanded "do you understand?"

Time skip*
Harry said it was Marcus behind it as Hermione death stared him.

Apparently the necklaces was meant for Dumbledore.

"That is a very serious accusation,potter."McGonagall admitted.
"Indeed."Snape added on "your evidence?"

"I just know."he said shakily.
"You just...know."Snape said to him clearly wanting to protect the boy.

"You astonish with your gifts,potter."Snape informed him "Gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing."

Time skip*
After the calm arguing between Snape and Harry stopped they roamed the halls "Marcus..he looks almost sick,doesn't he?"Hermione asked the two.
"Beats me."Ronald shrugged as Harry was in a infuriated mood.

Time skip*
During Slughorns dinner with some students Ginny arrived late she had puffy eyes her and Theo had been fighting Hermione assumed as Harry stood up to greet her.

Once again Cormac was creeping on Hermione the whole time.

Next day*
Ron walked through the hall as everyone either threw insults or wished him luck.

"Good look Ron."
"Nice hat!"
"Ron you're a loser."
"Be good I bet two galleons on you."

"Looking good Ron!"
"What's he wearing?"

Ron sat at the table "don't worry Ron,we'll go easy on you."Marcus informed him as he walked to the Gryffindor table as Ron stared down at his food "eat up Ronald."

"How about you go eat Marcus..haven't seen you at dinner since the start of this year."Ron defended poking at the toast.

"Slughorns having a Christmas do,you know.and we're supposed to bring someone."Hermione informed Marcus who was walking away "oh yeah?are you gonna bring Cormac?he's in the slug club isnt he?"Marcus asked loosening his tie as his breaths were slightly heavier "good luck today Marcus."Lavender remarked smiling away.

"Actually,I was going to ask you."she scolded as he walked off Theo,Lavender and Draco following after him

Time skip*
Ron was going hard at this match blocking all scores but the slytherins were going hot and heavy playing dirty and rough.

Marcus caught the Quaffle as the other teammates formed a guard around him knocking the gryffindors back.

As the gryffindor got the quaffle Marcus knocked her off her broom hitting the quaffle to Blaise who's shot was blocked by Ronald.

It carried on for the whole match as they'd reached a tie.

Blaise and Marcus glided across lower grounds as Blaise fell to the snow "Blaise get up you git!"he yelled grabbing the quaffle before Ginny swooped it off him throwing it at two slytherins knocking them down.

The boys knocked her away as they threw the quaffle Ron once again blocked it.

Time skip*
It was the end of the match and gryffindor won,they had a party and all of that as Marcus stood behind the railing of the astronomy tower attempting to hide from Lavender or more so attempting to escape everyone as he'd been doing the whole start of this year.As it began snowing it wasn't like Hogwarts it was as if hell had frozen over.

Next day*
Lavender had been all lovey dovey on Marcus the whole day as it reached lunch she'd kissed him before skipping off as Hermione gagged walking away.

Later in the library*
"He's at perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes."Hermione scoffed flying books up the shelves "I really couldn't care less."she said sternly through gritted teeth.

"Was I under the impression he and I would be attending Slughorns Christmas party together?"she asked.
"We both know he's just gonna stay locked up somewhere cursing people-"Harry informed her as Hermione glared at him.

" the circumstances,I've had to make other arrangements."
"Have you?"Harry asked as he followed her like a puppy.

"I just thought,seeing as neither of us can go with who we'd really like to,we should go together,as friends."Harry suggested sitting on the table.

"Why didn't I think of that?"she sighed in disbelief.
"Who are you going with?"Harry asked her as she glanced around ashamed "'s a surprise.Anyways it's you we've got to worry about."

Time skip*
"I've never been to this part of the castle."Luna admitted walking along side Harry in her sparkled dress "at least not while awake.I sleep walk,you see.that's why I wear shoes to bed."she informed him as they walked past Marcus who was sitting by the window once again in an all black turtle neck suit.

Small time skip*
Marcus carried a banana in his hand and a green bitter sweet apple in the other both the only things he'd eaten.

He closed his eyes standing infront of an empty wall as it formed into a door he entered once again pulling the curtain down revealing the cabinet as dust flew off it.

He opened it placed the apple inside creaking the door shut closing his eyes "Harmonia Nectere Passus."he whispered opening the door as the apple was gone he smiled to himself closing the door.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus."he whispered twice before opening the door to see the apple was back ...with a bite missing.

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