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"Yes."Kreacher spoke carefully as he watched the locket sway side to side "it was this house.A most evil object."

Time skip*
Mundungus had taken the locket according to kreacher.

Harry was examining the snitch as Ron was messing with the lights as Hermione and Marcus played piano.

"Be a bit gentler."she chuckled moving his hands away as he was continuing to playing discordant notes as Harry and Ron watched them.

As Hermione played Fur Elise on the piano as Harry started to feel relaxed,Ron fed up of them as he didn't like Marcus,and Marcus didn't like him.

Marcus began playing again yet failing once again as Hermione just nodded thinning her lips as she went to talk to Harry.

As they heard banging they all ran to the kitchen
"Get off!"he yelled muffled as kreacher covered his mouth and Dobby lingered around his leg and foot.
"Harry long it's been!" Dobby yelled
"Get off me!"mundungus demanded once again before they all thudded on the floor as the dishes clattered.

"As requested,Kreacher had returned with the thief..."kreacher said as he shut the door "Expeliarmus!"Hermione yelled catching Mundungus' wand.

"What are you playing at,setting a pair of bleeding house elves onto me?"he asked as Dobby jumped up onto the chair"Dobby was only trying to help."he promised raising his hands as he climbed onto the table "Dobby saw Kreacher in Diagon Alley,which Dobby thought was curious."he explained walking across the table as Harry was beside him.

"A-and then Dobby heard Kreacher mention Harry potters name."Dobby said as Marcus walked out "and then Dobby saw kreacher talking with the thief,mundungus-"

"I'm no thief!"he snarled "you foul,little...git."he corrected as he saw Marcus and then he went in to explain what he was and how he wasn't a thief.

"You're a thief dung.we all know."Marcus argued walking over as Dobby scattered across the table "so good to see you again."Dobby remarked shaking marcus' hand.

"Listen,I panicked that night,all right?"he asked as they all cornered him into the chair "can I help it if mad-eye fell off his broom?"he asked sitting back.

"Tell the truth."Hermione demanded as kreacher snarled at dung.
"When you turned this place over,don't deny it,you found a locket,am I right?"Harry asked already knowingly.

"Why?was it valuable?"Dung asked leaning back in fear of the people circling him.
"You stop got it?"Hermione asked as kreacher  pushed dung back in his seat.

"No,he's worried he didn't get enough money for it."Ron informed them.
"Bleeding give it away,didnt I?"he said Ro king back and forth before signing "There I was...flogging me wares on Diagon alley when some ministry hag comes up and asks to see me license."he scoffed.

"Says she's a mind to lock me up."he added "and would've done to,if she hadn't have taken a fancy to that locket."he said.

"Sounds like umbridge-who was the witch?do you know?"Marcus asked him "no,I.."he paused as his  eyes drifted to the floor.

"Well,she's there."He said grabbing the news paper as he placed it on the table there on the cover stood Umbridge.

"I called it."Marcus remarked leaning on the table as his dark mark was twitching and moving beneath his skin.

Time skip*
Marcus and Harry had wanted posters all around so obviously they couldn't be out..not out when they look like themselves.

Ron waited until he saw the lady cross the road as he signalled to Marcus and then walked away as he crossed the road so did she as he kneeled to tie his laces Marcus casted a spell on her as she fell backwards him and Ron carried her body inside.

Equal cuts//hermione granger X Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now