Not so silent O.W.L.S

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"What's your name?"Marcus asked the crying boy
"Okay.."Fred nodded
"Your hands gonna be fine Micheal."George assured him.

"Yeah-it's not as bad as it seems."Fred informed the little boy as Harry watched.

"See it's fading already."Marcus showed him.
"You can hardly see ours anymore."George pointed out.

"And the pain stops after a while."
"It's alright man."

The boys comforted the blond sobbing first year just then Umbridge cleared her throat.

"As I told you once before,Mr.Potter."she said as the boys stood up and Harry walked over.

"Naughty children deserve to be punished."she snarled unfazed by the pain she caused the young boy.

"You know,I've always thought our futures lay outside the world of academic achievement ."Fred admitted "Fred,I've been thinking the exact same thing."they remarked watching Umbridge leave as they smirked.

Next day*


The quad squad had planned everything out the previous night.

The huge pendulum ticked back and forth as there was four long rows of students at desks as Marcus and Theodore kept letting out long sighs as Umbridge stood tall and smiley.

Then a loud book was heard in the distance as everyone turned around Marcus and Theo smirked grabbing their bags as Umbridge strutted down the middle row.

The doors creak open as a fire ball wizzed around Umbridge as she spun around it entered the class setting of fire works as the Weasley twins fly inside.

The Weasley twins plus Marcus and Theodore began throwing fireworks around the room and throwing exam papers everywhere as Fred and George throw the other two boys brooms to the floor as Four boys were flying around setting if fireworks in class as all the kids looked around mesmerised by the colours.

As Umbridge gasped and dodged fireworks as the Weasleys sent fireworks hitting Crabbe and Goyle.

Theo and Marcus sending one at Draco that imprinted his yelling face on the wall as Mr Filch ran inside.

"Ready when you guys are!"Fred yelled as the boys stuck up their thumbs Fred threw the big one up as they flew out the class room as loud popping and deep roaring came from the explosion as the flame formed into a roaring dragon that chased Umbridge.

As it caught her all the glass frames full of rules shattered and then it all stopped and then everything fell off the walls Umbridge screamed as the boys wizzed around her before flying outside as all the students yell and cheer after them as they set off more fireworks the whole of Hogwarts came outside to egg them on as they set off fireworks spelling their initials as even the elf was cheering them on.

Just then Harry's legs wobbled as he fell to the ground.

Time skip*
After Harry was once again almost tortured by Umbridge Hermione tricked her and they managed to get away.

If you don't want to read this is recap:
Harry and the golden trio and Ginny,Neville and Luna all got different ways to escape and then went to find Sirius and Harry's only family member was killed by Bellatrix Harry also found out Theo's,Dracos and Marcus's dad had something to do with this.

"Do anything to us and I'll break it."Harry snarled at Marcus's dad.
"He knows how to play."Bellatrix laughed ""she remarked.

"Bellatrix Lestrange.."Neville gasped
"Neville longbottom is it?"she asked him "how's mom and dad?"

"better now they're about to be avenged."he snapped raising his wand as Harry stopped him.

"Now,let's everybody just calm down."Mr Lestrange remarked "shall we?"he asked as Bellatrix and Neville lowered the wands.

"All we want,is that prophecy."He informed Harry.
"Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?"Harry asked him.

"You dare speak his name?"Bellatrix whispered "you filthy Half-blood!"she shouted.
"It's all right,he's just a curious lad,aren't you?"Mr Lestrange questioned.

Soon more in mask arrives taking off the mask revealing Theo's farther and Dracos.

A/n:sorry for the short parts..but I'm not writing the whole fight scene so this is the order of the phoenix over..

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