Chapter 8 The Caretakers of Whitestone

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The dinner was quiet as everyone sat and waited for the Sovereign and second Prince to arrive. Percy however locked his gaze at the Briarwoods. A few minutes ago the party devised a plan that Vax would sneak into the Briarwood's room to find some intel. It's been about a few minutes and Vax hasn't come back yet. Axel was a bit nervous, but he was confident that Vax will come eventually. Lydie glances at Percy who's eyes were trained on the Briarwoods across from him. Then a knock on wood grabs the attention of everyone except for half of Vox Machina.

"Attention please be given to our Sovereign Uriel Tal'Dorei III, Prince Rafael Tal'Dorei XII and Empress Salda Tal'Dorei." calls out the Sargent at arms. In walked Uriel, his brother and his wife. Uriel lock arms with his wife, while Rafael, dressed in traditional cleric uniform adorned with similar headdress to Axel. 

Everyone  except for Percy and Scanlan stood before the Sovereign, Empress, and Prince. Allura clears her throat, looking back at Vox Machina. Keyleth blinks and looks over her shoulder. She gasps as the others were still seated. Axel thwacks Scanlan's ear while Lydie taps on Percy's chair. Vex catches on and stands, pulling Percy's arms. Then once the royals arrived at their seats, the table sits once they were seated.

Percy's eyes however were still locked on the Briarwoods, specifically the young woman and Delilah. Uriel starts the dinner with a light hearted joke, then introduces the council. 

Keyleth flicks her eyes at Percy who was still as a statue, glaring at the three on the other side. "Percy? Percy. P-Percy." she whispers to him as Scanlan followed his gaze. "He's just staring like a perv." 

"He said the Briarwoods took everything." Vex whispers behind her fan.

"What does that mean?" Pike whispers to her.

"We cannot be caught unprepared again." Uriel spoke firmly. Everyone agrees with him as he took his seat. 

As the food was distributed, Percy was still locked on the Briarwoods, "Percy, talk to us." Pike whispered, "Percy." she then chucks a fork at him. It hits his fork that was gripped tightly and clatter onto the table. The room erupted into gasps, some were surprise by this level of decorum. Keyleth chuckles nervously at them as the dinner resumes.

Lydie's brows furrowed and sighs, "Percy!!"she spoke using a sending spell. This causing Percy to jolt from his daze and cranes his head to Lydie, "Was that necessary?"  

"Well, it was either that, or electricity. Now quit shooting daggers and talk to us."

Percy frowns and looks away, "I'm fine." 

"Oh, yeah, sure." Keyleth says sarcastically.

"Percy just talk to us. We won't judge you....yet." Axel tells him.

Percy shoots him a glare, but Axel wasn't fazed. "Percy, I say you just walk over to the Briarwoods, say hello to break the ice, then punch them in the face. See what happens." Grog suggested.

"What?" Lydie asks craning her head toward the goliath.

"- Grog, no." Pike joined.

"Eh, I don't hate Grog's idea." Scanlan agrees.

"Well I would say kick him in the crotch, but lets just keep that on the back burner." Axel tell him. Grog smirks and nods.

"Uh, we have to wait. Give Vax a chance to gather some intel." Vex says.


"I must confess, I was rather curious whether you would come. Our messenger did not return." Uriel states as he glances at the couple beside him, "In fact, I've heard dark rumors about Whitestone. They say no one travels in or out of your lands."

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