Chapter 17 Answers

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Lydie grappled with the sensation in her head. Axel seeing this rushed towards her. "Lydie!" 

"Oh don't worry. You'll be an excellent guardsmen once this is all over." Anders spoke with a taunting smile as his eyes and tongue glowed.

"No thanks, I'm not really good at guarding. Mostly because of low-life nobles like you." Axel retorted as Ander gives a confused look at him. "Oh what's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Surely you forgotten that I'm a cleric don't you? And to none other than the matron of trickery."

"Do you honestly think you of all people would charm me?" Lydie spoke up, rising to her feet as scales began to cover her face. 

"Impossible! How did you--" 

"Your charm is weak and sloppy." she growled, "Lemme guess, Mr. Vampire gave you that power, didn't he.

Anders gritted his teeth, "You don't know nothing about me elf." he shot at her.

"Temper, temper. That's no way a professor should talk." Axel quips with a smirk, "No wonder the de Rolos restrained you. I'm surprised your not up to the moon at how big your head is." he says as the two slowly approached the professor. 

"Don't you dare mention that name." Anders snaps.

"Aww, did we touch a nerve? Why don't we play a memory game. If you answer correctly, we'll consider letting you live the rest of your miserable life."

Before they could strike, arrows were shot cause Lydie to deflect them using her claws. She turns finding Vex and Keyleth who's eyes glowed a bright silver.

"If the dumb one can't complete my task, there are many more resources at my disposal." Anders calls out as Axel turns his head seeing his sibling under the spell also. 

Lydie growls to herself as she darts forward. Vex shoots and arrows at her. Sharp claws appeared as Lydie swipes at the arrows her eyes narrowing at Ander. However, vine shoot up from the floor and pins her on the wall. "Lydie!" Axel shouts before a dagger pins him to the wall next to the witch. 

"I may not be able to control both you filthy commoners, but I can make you watch as your friends kill the de Rolo that pained me so." Anders calls out.

Lydie growls as she struggles to break free from the vines. "Pay attention, de Rolo. I want you to know how you died. And who did it to you." Anders states as Vox Machina stood between him and Anders. 

"Your friends." they all said in sync. Percy wobbles as he stood to his feet and aims his pepperbox, but couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger. 

He dodges the arrows as it pierces through the glass case. Anders chuckles aloud as Grog step forward, slamming his hands at him, Percy pulls away and dodges the incoming daggers. He jumps back, but a vine shot out from the floorboards, taking him by surprise and pins him against the wall as an arrow pins his arm.

"No escape this time, welp."

"I owe you an apology, Professor." Percy calls out as he looks at Anders, "You're right... the de Rolos treated you poorly. My parents never recognized my potential and clearly missed yours as well. A talented mind needs time to cultivate, to think, to work out all the angles." he spoke, locking his eyes momentarily with the captured witch and cleric. 

Lydie furrowed his brow as she reverts back into her elven form, "Nice try, de Rolo. But flattery will not prolong your life." Anders spoke with a grin.

Axel turn to find black smoke beginning to manifest around Percy, "And yet, it bought me all the time I needed." his eyes changing to black. 

Axel turned seeing the his party charging forward, as he was about to react, he hears a shot followed by flesh being ripped apart. Axel gasped and looked forward seeing Anders on the ground, gurgling and holding his mouth. 

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