Chapter 14 Vengeance

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Inside the first group found the stairs. Lydie and Vex stood guard at the bottom as Grog, Keyleth, and the resistance fighters began to ascend the steps. Vex noticed a shadow moving down the hall and was prepared to fire, but as it stepped forward, it turned out to be Vax moving to them with Percy and Scanlan close behind.

Once her brother noticed her, he sighed, "Thank the gods. Wait, what's this crowd?" he asks seeing the rebels looking down at them.

"Picked it up along the way." Vex answers him, Vax walks past with the others, letting them get a whiff of the scent lingering on them, Lydie groans covering her nose as she looks at the rogue. "Why are you covered in piss?" Vex questioned.

"Picked it up along the way." Vax answered. Lydie raises an eyebrow and looks at Axel who shrugs with a playful smile. Lydie rolled her eyes as they followed Percy up the steps to the second floor. They spread out and look through each cell, trying to find which one was holding the rebel leader.

Percy kept his wide open until his eyes landed on a prisoner just inside one of the cells. He shot forward and gripped at the bars. "Archie." he whispered to the prisoner. "Archibald!" he calls out once more. The prisoner inside groans, lifting his head and opens one eye.

"Percy?" he says weakly. 

"Vax, get him out of there." he begs the rogue. 

The other stood as Vax picks the lock then it opens with ease. "Did you see that? I'm telling you that back door was cursed." 

Percy marches into the cell, "Sh*t, is this the afterlife?" Archie questions as Percy kneels in front of him. 

Percy smiles, "We're not dead yet, friend." 

"All right. We're getting out of here together." Vex informs the others.

Everyone prepared to leave when suddenly, a hoarse cackle echoed in the hall. Everyone turned in the direction of the noise to find multiple guards with a stout grey skinned man walking past them. It was Stonefell with a croaked smile, he faced down Vox Machina and the Resistance Fighters.

"I'll give you this, girly." Stonefell said, "You'll at least die together." then beside him one guard hold Scanlan by the neck. 

"Throw down your arms, return to your cells, and maybe I'll let you live." he offers them.

"We are leaving with the dwarf and the gnome." Lydie spoke glaring at Stonefell.

"Kill the gnome!" Stonefell orders.

The guard removes his hand that held Scanlan by the neck  as he is held by the guard's arms, struggling. "No, no, no, I'm too handsome to die." he cries, but his throat was cleared as everyone looks over and sees another Scanlan standing beside the guard. 

"What's a guy got to do to get some action around here?" he asks as he leaned against the guard.

Keyleth blinks at him. "Scanlan?" she asks.

"Is he--"

"Run you idiot!!!" Axel calls out.

The guards shoves Scanlan to the ground and then turns to the other Scanlan, bringing his sword down, only to strike at an illusion. The gnome makes a run for it darting past the other guards. 

"Don't just stand there! Get him!" Stonefell orders as the other guards chases after him. 

"Oh no you don't." Lydie mutters rubbing her hands together and slams them on the ground. The lightning zips across, one guard then arcs over to two others. 

A rebel found her courage and dashes forward and swung at a guard. "For Whitestone!" she cries out as the rebels charge, meeting the guards head-on. As the battle rages on, the guards were slowly thinning out, Stonewall glares at the rebels, then notices Vex drawing her arrow and slams his hammer into the guard's leg. He cries out and was pulled in front of him.

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