Chapter 22 Clash at the Ziggurat pt. II

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"Child of the Wild."

A voice, soft and motherly called out to Lydie. Her hand twitched feeling that familiar warm.

"Child of the Wild, arise. Slay the abomination that disrupts the natural order." 

"I.....I...can't." Lydie mutters, her eyes fluttering open. "No matter how hard we try, we can't beat them."

"Fear not Child of the Wild, for you are my blood and my power shall I bestow upon you."  

Pushing herself upward, she power surging through her body. A new power yet familiar. Lydie then looked down at her hands. She was greeted with sharp talons with a faint bluish aura. She then felt her face, finding the familiar scales from before. 

"This power." she mutters. Just then her vision clears finding Anastasija flying towards Axel and Percy. She then smirked, "Round three it is." she mutters as wings manifest behind her as she zips in the air. 

At the ziggurat, Axel and Percy were too busy trying not to kill or hurt Cassandra. But with luck she nick at Percy's cheek.

"End this.

The voice in his head demands as his eyes fluttered into their changed look. Axel turns to Percy seeing his eyes turn black, "Oh no." he mutters as he tries to stop Cassandra as she charges at her brother.

With a loud growl, the smoke burst around him, making the two fling back from the sudden blast. 

Cassandra hits the pillar as she drops her sword and Axel tumbles on the ground, but eventually coming to a stop. Cassandra flutters her eyes open, to see the pepperbox aimed right at her. She looks up, finding her brother staring at her. "So, you're going to kill your own sister?" she questions.

Axel props himself up as he looks up at the siblings. 

"I... I don't want to, but I..." Percy struggles to speak. Just then, something comes hurdling towards them. Before Axel could warn Percy, Sylas comes out of nowhere and punches Percy, slicing him with his sword. 

Cutting him as the blood flows into the sword. But the flow triggered a memory in Casandra, she gasped, gripping her head as it rang, and she remembers her time as the Briarwoods' prisoner. 


How her brother and sister took the brunt of it, one was sitting in the cell, the other trying to reason with the Briarwoods. She remembered that day where Phoebe snuck into their cell one night and propose that they are going to escape. Percy was against it, but with later convincing, he agreed. 

Sylas swung at Percy again, cutting him as it threw him back, "Sylas wait." Cassandra calls out, pressing her hand over her eye. "Please." she calls out as the vampire turns to her.

"I've no time for your weakness." he states, walking towards her.  "There is work to be done." he said gripping her chin, charming her once more.

"Of course." she answers as Percy struggles to pull himself up. 

Axel gritted his teeth, his eyes glowing a bright blue as he snaps a finger. Immediately, a wall of blue fire separated the two from Percy. Sylas and Cassandra turned finding Axel on his feet, his sword in one hand and manifesting a bright blue short sword in the other. 

"No further." he mutters as he goes into a offensive stance. He then charges forward when suddenly a blast of purple fire causes Axel to somersault to where he was originally. He turned and looked finding Anastasija with her hand outstretched. 

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