Chapter 6 Brimscythe The Iron Storm

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The dragon flew towards the spikes in the ceiling and fires his thunder flames causing Vox Machina to dodge out of the way. However, the lightning travels along the metal as Grog slides back, glaring at the beast. Suddenly, he gets jolted by the electricity.

He screams out in pain, "Grog!" Pike and Lydie calls out as he collapses on the ground. 

"Are you alright?" Percy asked him.

Grog looks up to him, "Um, no." he mumbles.

Keyleth was frightened, but soon, she saw the flash of light and looks back as Brimscythe fires another blast at them. They scattered once more, dodging the blast. Vex, Vax, and Axel dodges the lightning as it slithers on the ground but it crawls upon the spikes that stood out in the ground. Vax looks up as a chunk breaks off, he braces himself when a bluish ghost appears carrying a shield and defends him. 

Vax blinks to find that it was Axel's echo, he looks behind finding Axel approaching him. "You okay?" he asked, holding out his hand.

Vax smirks, "Thanks Axman." he said, as Axel helps him to his feet. Just then, Axel hears another blast and grabs Vax by the arm as they both misty step out of sight as Brimscythe fires again and reappear behind Vex. Vex slides on her knees, passing her brothers, and fire a flame arrow at Brimscythe. 

"A tickle. Let me return the favor." Brimscythe spoke. 

Vex frowns cursing under her breath. Vax takes her by the hand and took off running. Brimscythe took to the ground. Scanlan and Pike dodge the claw as he ran through the cavern, but his tail hits Pike sending her flying into a spike.

"Pike!" Lydie calls out.

The twins kept running, trying to stay out of the dragon's range. "Fools. I'll devour you all." Scanlan slides into a pile of gold, his scent catches Brimscythe's attention as he lurks over the gnome. Scanlan looks up to see the dragon open his mouth and charges his attack. 

"Pike? Pike?" Scanlan calls out as he took off running as Brimscythe fires at him, the concentrated beam trailing after him, "Pike? Pike?! Pike?!" Scanlan repeats. But he falls to his knees as Brimscythe fire again. However, Pike jumps in front of him gripping her necklace and holding up her shield to deflect the blast.

 Then a turquoise hand appeared out of nowhere and punches the dragon's jaw. The dragon snarls and shakes it's head from it's daze. He turns and glares at Lydie with a closed fist with the grimore opened. Lydie then mutters something under her breath as a blue light escapes her fingers. Brimscythe shield's himself from the attack of ice and looks over to find Lydie disappeared. Axel appears and picks up the two gnomes under his arms.

"Axel? Where did you--"

"Hey, less talking more shutting up thank you." Axel says interrupting Scanlan before misty stepping away.  

Brimscythe looks around trying to find Lydie who hides behind a large spike. "Now I know who you are. You are no ordinary elf, since you're the one that wounded me." he calls out, "But I won't make the mistake like she did."

"She?" Lydie mutters.

The vines that have gathered in one small place uncoils, revealing Keyleth and Percy. Emerging from the vines Percy pulls out his pepper box and fires at the dragon. "Vax, did Gilmore give you any insight on how to kill this thing, or did you two flirt the whole time?"

"Sh*t. Right, right. Uh, uh, dragons are vain, arrogant, egotistical..."

The twins look ack and jump out of Brimscythe's fire another blast. "I know that already. I studied them, remember?" Vex reminds her brother. Grog stood back up, charging for the dragon, but Brimscythe flies out of his range.

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