Chapter 11 The Journey Begins

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By the time Vax, Axel, Vex, and Keyleth got the supplies the rest managed to get a carriage and were heading out of town, Grog, Scanlan, and Lydie had been seated in the back as Percy sat up front driving the horses. 

"Oi! Slow asses!" Scanlan yells, "Check it out. We got a good deal on the cart." 

"We stole it." Lydie said folding her arms. Fenrir in the form of a pika hops on her shoulder. 

"How'd you do?" Scanlan asked the trio.

"Let's just say I'd hate to see what Gilmore charges his enemies." she answers taking the front seat. 

Percy cracks the reins and the horses started to pick up the pace as they rode past the gates of Emon. The sun continued to rise behind them. Over time, the bustling town shifted to trees as the part made their way eastward to Whitestone. The carriage was silent, except for Vex and Percy talking up front.

Lydie looks down at her hand, trying to recall that feeling the other night. It felt strange almost terrifying. She knew that she had a temper, which was quite useful at times, but she wonders if she could ever control it. Axel looks over and scoots closer to her. "So, first time being away from Pike, huh?"

"I guess." Lydie answered without looking at him.

"You surprised us with that power. Didn't know you could breathe fire." Vax said.

"Yeah, or how you can magically grow claws, how did you do that by the way?" Keyleth joined.

Lydie looked at the others, "I-I I don't know." she stammered, "I just felt this hatred towards them, and all I wanted to do was turned them into splinters." 

Keyleth then turns to Scanlan who was busy reading the tome, "Any luck translating?"

"Uh, totally." Scanlan replied before correcting, "Uh, some."

"You don't know what it's saying, do you." Lydie says with a raised eyebrow.

"That's not true." Scanlan denies, Vax gives him a pointed look, and the gnome finally admitted, "Okay, yeah, most of it's impossible. But, I mean, look at this. This is some messed-up sh*t. I-I mean...all I can make out is one word of Delilah's craptastic scribble. Something called...a "zippertwat"."

Axel raised an eyebrow and craned his head towards the gnome, "A zipper what now?"

"Uh, okay, yeah, actually, I think it's a ziggurat." Keyleth corrected.

"Oh. Thank God. Cause what I was picturing was, like... whoa."

"They spent hours teaching me stuff like this for my Aramenté. Ziggurats were ancient structures used for contacting gods." 

"And judging by that structure I'd say it belonged to Ioun." Axel spoke up.

"Who's that?"

"Ioun is the matron of knowledge, prophecy, and skill. But I fell asleep in Exandrian history." 

They continued on. Lydie tried to get some sleep, but the memories of being attacked by wraiths were still fresh in her mind. Thoughts ran wild in Lydie's head, questioning who is this Delilah person is? Who the hell are Anastasija or Sylas for that matter. She sighed, and tried to get some sort of rest when a cold chill ran down her spine. Her eyes opened looking around. Axel, Vax, and Keyleth were fast asleep while Scanlan muttered something under his breath. Grog still sat at the back, his shoulders slumped. 

Lydie smiled taking Fenrir from her pocket and turning him into a cat. She then whispers in it's ear to give Grog his attention. Fenrir meowed and made his way over to Grog nuzzling his head on Grog's arm while purring. Grog takes the animal and starts petting it with a smile. Lydie smiled and was about to go over to where Grog is when the cart immediately stops.

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