Chapter 3 Renewed Determination

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"Uh, get me out. Get-get me out! I'm trapped under Grog's ass!" Scanlan calls out from underneath the rubble.

Grog strains and shoves the rocks off of him, bloodied and beaten. Another strained grunt as Axel shoves the rocks off with his shield of faith revealing both him and Lydie bruised and scratched. Trinket shoves the rocks out of the way as vines thicken, shoving the rest of the rumble off them, a cocoon just inside as Vax, Vex, Scanlan, and Pike and a pike as Keyleth held her hands out, conjuring  the vines.

"So... this is what rock bottom feels like." Percy groaned.

As the group file out from the safety hut Axel helps Lydie up, "You alright?" he asked.

Lydie hisses but nods her head, "I'm fine." then places her hand on her side but suddenly, she realized that grimoire wasn't there. "Shoot the spell book, where--"

Axel holds up the book in his hands with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, "You mean this?"

"Yes!" she says taking the book, "Thanks Axel, how can I ever repay you?" 

Axel's eyes light up, "I thought you'd never asked." he gets down one knee, taking out a small box that even shocks Lydie. "Lydia Trickfoot, there hasn't been a day that goes by since--"

"And now I'm regretting it." Lydie cuts him off as she follows the rest of the group. 

"At least we're still alive, thank the Everlight." Pike said dusting herself off.

Vax rubs his shoulder, "And thanks to Keyleth for the giant shrub. But did you have to make it so thorny?" he mutters pulling out a thorn from behind him.

They looked back at her, seeing that she was pretty shaken up from the experience, "That dragon. We almost... died."

Pike walks up and kneels down in front of her. "Except we didn't die. Because of you, Keyleth. You hear me? We're alive because of you." 

"Grog. You're hurt." Keyleth points out.

"Nah. Just a flesh wound. No big." Grog responds while groaning a bit, "Question: Is this normal?" he asks, removing his hand and revealing a gaping wound that was gushing with blood.

"Oh, no." 

"Holy sh¡t."

"I'm gonna throw up."

The party gasped in disgust as Axel veers his head covering his mouth trying not hold his lunch in. Pike walks up to Grog and places a hand against him, "Hold still, old friend. I got you." clutching the medallion of the Everlight, she closes her eyes and concentrate. The warm hue glow emanates from her palm as Grog's wound closes, making him inhale deeply.

"Oh, I feel better already. Thanks, Pike. You're the best." Grog said with a smile.

"That... took a lot out of me." Pike mutters before she begins to fall. 

"P!" Lydie calls out, but as she was about to step in Scanlan immediately jumps for her.

"I got you." he says catching her in his arms.

Pike flutter her eyes and looks up at Scanlan, "Oh. Uh, thanks. Oh, uh, you can put me down now." she tells him.

Scanlan blinks for a moment and pulls away, helping her up. "Oh. Yeah. Uh... yeah." he mutters, turning away and scratching the back of his head as his cheeks reddened. 

"All right, f*ck Uriel and all of this, we're done here. We didn't sign up for certain death." Vax says dusting himself off and crosses his arms.

"Must I remind you we gave our word to the council? That should probably mean something." Percy reminded them.

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