Chapter 21 Clash at the Ziggurat

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Down below, Vox Machina hurries towards the structure, taking cover behind the boulders. Scanlan takes a look at the structure. "Wait." he said, as he starts to get a better look. 

Axel and Grog look at him, "Uh...Scanlan?" Grog asks. The gnome then gasps as the pieces began to fit.

"It wasn't a spell book. It was an instruction manual. The drawings, the symbols... It all had to do with that name Uh, the wha... what was it? The-the Whispered One." he states.

"The Whispered One?" Pike ask him.

Vex look back at her, "You've heard that name?"

"Once, Uh, from an elder of the Everlight. They said he's some sort of undead creature whose soul seeks the power to return to our plane." Pike explains.

"The priestesses at the shrine told scary stories about him to keep us in line. One story said that he was a powerful yet dangerous dark wizard king obsessed of gaining power to become a deity. He was successful in his endeavors, however, his plan was foil and was banished from our plane by clerics of both Sehanine and Pelor the Dawnfather." Axel informs them.

"I get the book, the maps, but what's with the star chart?" 

"It's the solstice, when the barrier between the planes is the thinnest." 

"Oh, sure, sure, the planes. Yeah, yeah. What does that mean?"

"It's basically like a door that keeps each realm from intersecting with each other. But since the solstice is coming, the doors to our plane and the plane wherever the Whispered One would open allowing him to move."

"Which means if this Whispered One wants to cross over, now is the time." Keyleth spoke up.  They all look up at the ziggurat.

"And the Briarwoods must be trying to help him." Pike states.

Vex frowns, "I don't give a shit what they're doing. I just want my brother back." Axel placed a reassuring hand on Vex's shoulder. She touches his hand, and glances at him with a soft smile. 


The party made their way towards the steps of the Ziggurat as Vax and Cassandra stood there, completely under Sylas's charm. Vex gasps as she watches her brother step forward. 

"Vax." she mutters.

"Don't worry, we'll get him back." Lydie said. This catches the ranger off guard as she glances at the half elven witch.

Grog stood to his feet, pounding his fist into his hands, "Okay, I'll take Vax. Piece of cake." he states.

"Grog, I want him alive." Vex points out.

"Oh. Uh, then I got Cassandra." 

"No, she'll answer to me." Percy said stepping forward.

"Oh... I never get to play." Grog groans as he sits down with his knees pulled to his chest as Pike and Lydie steps up to him.

"Buddies, we still need somebody to handle Sylas. Any suggestions?" Pike informs him.

"Um... I don't know, maybe Ripley?" Grog asked, but scoffs to himself, "Doesn't really matter what happens to her."

"No you big oaf, she was talking about you." Lydie states, pointing to Grog's head. 

Grog perks up, "Oh..." he said and chuckles with a smile, "Goody." he said.

"And I've got Princess Sparkleface." Lydie stated with a determined smile as she looks up at the ziggurat. 

"But didn't she depleted your magic before?" Keyleth asked.

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