Chapter 2 The Blue Dragon

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Morning came as the party arrives at the Cloudwatch Palace. Some a bit hungover others exhausted from lack of sleep. "We're really gonna see the sovereign looking like this?" Keyleth questions. "Well we could've spent our last remaining monies at an inn, we are."  Lydie responds.

As they approached the entrance, the guards crosses their spears, "Halt!" one ordered. Vex pulls out the wanted poster from her pocket and shows it to the guard, "Okay, we'll take you in, but the wolf and bear waits outside."

The party looks back at Trinket and Fenrir. The two creatures lowered their heads, Fenrir moaning. As the doors open the party walks inside, the guards shrink back at their smell as Vex kneels infront of Trinket and Lydie scratches Fenrir's ears. "It's okay, buddy. We'll be back soon." Vex says. "You be a good boy, and no play fighting." Lydie tells the wolf. Fenrir licks her cheeks, Lydie chuckles, "Okay I love you too." she kisses the wolf on the nose. 

Rafael furrowed his brow as he listen in on the reports on the recent destruction on Emon. These reports was more puzzling by the day. "Lady Kima, it is imperative Lord and Lady Briarwood join us." Uriel ordered. 

"Sire, Whitestone hasn't been heard from in months." Lady Kima explained. 

Rafael looked at the dwarven woman, as he was about to dwell on the thought he heard a faint, "Excuse me." his eyes darted over to seeing a group of hung over adventurers. Rafael raised an eyebrow, but then his eyes widened slightly. 

Down below Keyleth frowned while Grog belches, echoing throughout the room grabbing the attention of the council members as they look down at the party. 

"I'm sorry, who the hell are you?" Kima questioned.

"Vox Machina. You see, it's actually a somewhat clever play on words..." 

"Honestly, we don't care." Finch said, cutting Percy off, "Sire, I warned you the notices would attract the scum of Emon."

"Excuse you?" Vex questioned, wondering if she heard correctly. "Scum?" Axel followed, raising an eyebrow.

"I think Sir Fince means a foe this deadly requires more seasoned..." 

" You think that we're not seasoned enough for you?" Lydie questioned, irritation rising in her voice, "Why don't you say it my face you soggy ole--" Lydie was about to step forward her eyes turning cat-like, small puffs of fire escaping her mouth.  Grog quickly pulls the girl back, while Percy sighs and pinches the bridge of his brow. 

"Krieg, don't bother with these drunken buffoons. Guards?" Fince calls out.

The guards shuffle out, and begins to shove them back. Percy and Lydie stumble into Grog, Keyleth stumbles backward, the twins glare at one guard while Grog and Axel growl at the others. Pike wakes up from her sleep, while Scanlan looked offended, "Buffoons? Clearly you've never heard of the Legend of Vox Machina. Allow me to give you a proper introduction."

"Is he about to sing?" Axel questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, gods, here we go." Vax muttered, hanging his head.

♪Your Excellence tried the best fighters ♪

♪ Who've adventured far and wide ♪

♪ But I promise that you've never met a troop so qualified ♪

Scanlan's arcane magic weaves through the lute as an illusion puffs around him.

♪ There's Grog our mighty giant  He's a simpleminded hulk ♪

♪ And Percy's pepperbox can blow apart your f*cking skull ♪

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