Chapter 13 Whitestone and The Resistance pt. II

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The crisp winter air was piercing, the kind that made your cheeks rosy and your breath visible. The girl walked slowly, each step crunching the fresh snow under her boots. As she made her way down the path, a cold flurry suddenly grazed her skin, causing her to shiver. She pulled her cloak tighter around her body for warmth.

Suddenly, there was a noise from behind her, causing her to snap her head to the side. Her heart pounded in her chest as she peered into the darkness of the nearby forest, trying to identify the source of the sound. The snow-covered trees loomed ominously, casting long shadows across the path. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. As she walks down the deserted street, the girl suddenly hears a bone-chilling shriek coming from a distance. Her heart races with fear as she knew the source of that sound. Without a second thought, she breaks into a sprint, her feet pounding the snow as she tries to put as much distance between herself and the source as possible. 

Then landing in front of her was a terrifying creature. With the body of a hag with sharp claws. Black feathers sprout from it's arms, it's eyes beady and black. It's feet also resembles that of a bird with sharp talons. The creature was wearing tattered rags, it's hair long and matted. From it's mouth oozed dark ichor as it set it's eyes on the girl.

"I will syphon your soul!" It growled and charge towards the girl.

Anastasija wakes up with a gasp, sweat beads down her forehead. She turns her head, seeing that she was alone in her room. She sighs, relieved that it was all a dream. However, these dreams kept occurring these past few weeks. Mother said it will be all over soon once their lord was free. She contemplated whether or not to tell them, but refrain from the thought. She couldn't bear seeing her mother and father being concerned for her. They've worked so hard and is so close. With a determined expression she closes the grimoire. 


As they followed Keeper Yennen down the stairs, Vox Machina found themselves in a small cellar that was barely large enough to contain them all. The air was thick with a slight pungent odor. The walls were lined with shelves that were filled with jars and bottles of all shapes and sizes, each containing a variety of strange and mysterious substances behind was a place stacked with ale. Yennen then light some candles carried cast eerie shadows across the room.

"No, it's,'s shitty on the inside, too." Scanlan spoke up.

"An old resistance hideout.  We can speak freely here."

"Yes!" Grog squeals trying to get ale from out of the barrel. However the barrel was empty. One by one he breaks each barrel which also had no ale. "What is this hell?" he yells.

"Thanks to the Briarwoods, all our resources are dwindling." Yennen informs, "Including ale." 

"I will f*cking murder everyone!" Grog rages, throwing a barrel at the wall. 

Axel who was leaning against the wall teleports away right before the barrel crashes against the wall then reappears, "Hey, watch were you throw that thing!"

"How long has this been going on?" Lydie asks gliding her hands on the walls.

"Years. Ever since the Briarwoods took power, our people have been suffering. And those that oppose them are either hanged or killed." she informs. 

Percy walks up next to her, "You preach pacifism while associating with rebels."

"Trust me, I want the Briarwoods gone as much as you do. But I've seen uprisings fail, and if you charge up to that castle, you'll be slaughtered. No. The only way to win is if the resistance is strong enough."

"And the resistance isn't strong enough because...?" Vex asks.

Yennen looks over her shoulder, "Their leader has been captured."

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