Chapter 19 When All Hope is Lost

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The alley was quick as the others gathered at the edge. Scanlan fell from the pipe drain, but Cassandra helps him up as they joined the others. Scanlan holding his arm close to him.

"Okay, this is nice." Keyleth spoke up, Vax shot a look at her as did Lydie, "Maybe we just live in this alley for... forever?"

The rogue shot a smile at her, while Lydie rolls her eyes and shakes her head with a smirk. A growl drew their attention as they began to move, "Why did I say that?" Keyleth mutters aloud as they hurried.

They step into the streets but caught the attention of an undead giant. It started to lumber towards them, growling louder as it approached. 

"The bag." Percy ordered. Grog passed it over and the genius knelt down to search through it.

Percy kneels and dug through it. The others watched as the giant got closer with each step. "Yeah, I don't mean to rush you."

"Then don't." Percy said, interrupting Vax. 

Not long after, he pulls out a large rifle and unfolds it, "We get it. You're smart. Just do something!" Scanlan snaps as the nobleman stood to his feet and steps forward. 

He arms the weapon and took aim. Magnifying his aim as his target grows closer, then he pulls.

A powerful, strong and loud bang went off, shooting from the barrel. Slicing the arm of the giant as it dangles off before falling back, dead on the ground. 

"Holy sh*t!" Grog shouts in awe as Percy lowers his rifle, looking at it. "Hey, do that again." he asks, but Percy just frowns at him.

"Wish I could. Sadly, it's still a work in progress." Percy tells Grog, placing the folded rifle back into the bag. 

The undead giant step in as Duke Vedmire, who is half burnt, leads them. He looks out at the permanently dead giant, "The f*ck?!" he questioned, "Giants, lay waste to them!" he orders as the giants step forward, groaning as the resistance. 

"Scatter! Regroup at the Sun Tree!" Vex tells them as they turn and run in different directions, but one tear off a roof and threw it at them, separating the gnome from the others. Lydie turned noticing that Scanlan was missing. She hesitated for a moment, before bolting towards them. 

Vedmire frowns unimpressed by Scanlan's attempt by him not recognizing him. Scanlan on the floor then narrows his eyes, "You know, on second glance, I do recognize...Lightning!" the gnome exclaims, sending a bolt at the general with a thrust of his pelvis. 

The Duke repels the shot, surprising the gnome, " Did you really think I would not adapt from our previous encounter?"

Scanlan looks at him in fear, "Um, no?" he answers, Vedmire reels his sword back about to strike when a voice calls out from above. "Adapt this!" they both look up, seeing Fenrir in the form of a panther plummet down, his claws reeling back. 

Vedmire took a step back, but couldn't dodge the claws in time as he brought them down his chest. The duke cries out in pain and was about to counter attack when Lydie dashes forward and delivers a kick to the face, causing him to fall back and skid back a few feet. He props himself upward and tries to go in, when Lydie crouches down and sweeps the ground creating a wall of ice spike that points in the directions of Vedmire, causing him to halt in his tracks. 

Lydie then looks at the gnome that flinches in her sight, "Wait, Lydie!" he shouts as she reels her fist before she punches the roof behind creating a hold to pass through. She then takes the gnome by the scruff of his collar, "Come on." she says place the gnome on Fenrir.

"Wait, your...saving me?" Scanlan asked.

"If I answer yes, will you shut up while we catch up to the others?" she responded.

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