Character Profile II

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Personal info

Full name: Astreaus Axelton Vessar/ Prince Mychel 

Age: Early 20's 

Class: Cleric Warrior aka Cleric Fighter.

Nickname- Axe-man(Scanlan, Grog, Pike.) 

                       Aster (Vex and Vax) 

                       Axel (Keyleth, Lydie, and Percy.)

Parents: Prince Rafael, Queen Maleighna of the Feywilds. Vessar family (adopted)

Siblings: Lydie, unknown sibling.  

Race: 1/2 Druid 1/4 Human 1/4 Elven

Love interest: Cassandra De-Rollo 


Vox Machina 

Sehanine (Ancestor) 



Biological info

Hair color: White

Eye color: Hazel brown/Sapphire blue (When using his power)

Skin color: Brown

Powers and Abilities

Dunamancy- Echo Fighters

Precognition- Only for a brief moment/seconds.

Super human strength

Enhanced agility/flexibility

Divine Lightning manipulation

Weapon Manipulation 



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