Chapter 24 Intervention pt. II (Reunion)

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Axel stood face to face with the demon. He can see him now. A fiendish dark specter clothed in black clouds, his face reminiscent of a hawk, or a vulture. He recalled from his early years that this sort of creature are shadow demons, very powerful entities that off pacts to people whether it may be fame or power. 'What have you gotten yourself into Percival?' he questions to himself.

The demon snickers, "You walk in the light of the moon." he spoke, "No wonder I sense her presence." 

"Enough of this." Axel said sternly, "Who are you? And why are you torturing my friend?"

Just then the demon began to speak in a guttural tongue no one could understand. However, Axel recognized it as Abyssal. "I am vengeance incarnate. Harbinger of hatred and madness." Axel knew who it was that plagued Percy. He knew from stories of how people prayed to him to use his power, its name was Orthax.  

"What did he say?" Scanlan questioned.

"It all made sense now." Axel spoke, "His obsession with revenge, not to mention the names that were on the gun. That was your doing, wasn't it?"    

Orthax began to cackle, "My my, such a keen eye you have. But it wasn't my doing, Percival summoned me." he snarled, "His torment and thirst for revenge called me by his side. An unspoken partnership. Deep down, he remembers. Welcoming my help. Welcoming the rage that fueled you to create it. The weapon.

Axel furrowed his brows deeper, "What are you talking about?" 

"Forged in iron and smoke. We struck a bargain. I gave him the means for revenge. And he...gave me souls to feast upon."

"Well, I'm sorry to tell you but you've reached the end of your bargain," Axel said, as a talisman manifested between his fingers. "Prepare to be purged by the light of the Moonweaver!" 

"You think your little tricks are going to work on me?!

Before Axel could process what was said, he was suddenly sent flying into the air. He quickly summoned an echo bearing a shield, then landed on the ground safely and looked up seeing Percy up on his feet his eyes fixated on him. Percy aims his weapon and shoots it, however a magic shield appears in front of Axel as Lydie transforms into her dragon humanoid form. 

She teleports beside Axel. Orthax snarled, "Stay out of my way, forest runt."

Lydie chuckled, "And how about you shut f*ck up. You're nothing more than a manipulative parasite that leeches off of poor souls like Percy to gain power. Well news flash, this ends now." the two took an offensive stance.

Orthax snarls as one of its tendrils shoots forward. Axel summons an echo wielding a katana and slashes away. Lydie then conjures a fireball and throws it at the demon. It snarls in surprise as it barely misses it, then glares at her. She then takes a deep breath and blows a blast of fire. Percy dodges and shoots his weapon at her. Axel quickly sprints in front of Lydie and slashes one bullet before he feels two more grazing his arm and leg. 

"Brother!" Vax shouted.

"You okay?" Lydie questioned concerned.

"Just a scratch." Axel said nonchalantly, however, inside the pain was nothing like he'd felt ever. He turns finding Percy aiming his weapon at them. "No!" he cried thrusting a fist upward. Suddenly a stone wall shoots from the ground shielding the two. 

Percy growls as he fires the bullets. Lydie then reverts into her original form, she turns her head seeing Fenrir guarding Phoebe with her body. She snapped her finger, conjuring a magic shield around the two. Axel turns his head trying to find Percy anywhere. Shots rang out to and fro but he knew Percy was near. He takes the amulet in his hand and looks at it. He pondered whether or not to use his power until he heard the voice of Cassandra shouting out, "Percival!" 

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