Chapter 7 Nightmares in the Flesh

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Dreams ripple through the memory, a white castle set upon a hill, inside children running through the dinning table, a teenage boy sitting beside his mother as she reads to him. At the table, his father, older brother and younger sister laughing together, the conversation a blur to him. There on the floor sat his twin sister, a beautiful girl with brownish blonde hair and soft green eyes. His youngest brother begging her to do a magic trick. Rolling her she agreed, and with soft movements, she conjures a dancing light spell. The younger siblings look on in wonder, while the parents and older siblings gave a round of applause. 

Everything was as it should be.

Hectic but perfect.

But this particular night....

Every changed.

How? How did this happen? 

"Go! I'll hold them off!"

"Reality knocking at your door."

"Death to the De Rolo's!" 

His family slaughtered all around him. The sound of hounds barking in the distance.

His sister was shot in the back and collapsed in the snow.

His twin didn't survive and probably gave up her life to protect him.

He trips and falls to his knees as something dark slithers through the wood.


Percy snaps his eyes open, finding himself back in his room in the keep. He shot up with a gasp and pants in cold sweats covering his face as his hand went right on his neck. 

His breathing was uneasy, as the memories of his past still haunted him, then afterward, guilt settled in. Collecting himself, he takes a deep breath and pushes away the covers and stood too his feet and opens the door.

He wanders past the rooms of the others as Vex steps out of hers. "Bad dream?" she asks making him halt in his tracks.

"Is there any other kind?" he responded as he walks away.

He walks down to the kitchen but came to a stop as he spots his witch companion dressed in an earth green nighty with her hair down to her shoulders with a few feathers in her hair on the stove making some kind of concoction. 

"Lydia?" he calls out. 

Lydie turns to see him, "Oh, hey Percy." 

Percy raises an eyebrow, "What're you doing up?"

"Can't sleep. As peaceful and humble as Pike is, she can be demon when it comes to sleeping." 

Percy was about to say something when a familiar aroma catches his attention, "Wait, that smell, is that?"

"Buttered Apple cider." She answers, turning off the stove while taking out some hot buns from the pantry, "This is pop-pop's favorite. Want some?" she offers.

"Of course." he answers. 

Lydie nods and with a snap of a finger, the cupboard magically opens as a wooden tabard floats in her hands. She then walks over and pours the drink in the cup and gently places it on the table. Percy was hesitant at first, then takes the cup and sips it. His eyes widened in surprise as it hits tongue.

"This taste similar to what we have back home." Percy said, his surprise sours as he looks away.

"Oh right, I remember that place, it's Grayrock. No, no, Ash granite."

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