Chapter 20 Into the Depths

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"This way." Ripley said, leading the group down the hall of steps. "We're getting closer." she states as they step into a crypt.

"For your sake, you best hope so." Percy warns her.

Everyone stops as they look around at the stone carving on the number of graves, with the figures of lords engraved. 

"Uh, that's a grave." Vax corrected, making his way towards one of the tombs and pulls out his dagger. A small flame appears illuminating the space.

"Where are we?" Vex questioned.

"Our family tomb." Cassandra informed, "It holds generations of de Rolos."

Lydie folded her arms, "Something doesn't feel right." she says looking at the number of tombs before her.

Just then a faint sound catches her attention as she turns her head, seeing the grave in front of Vax begin to budge, opening further by itself. He gasps and steps back, extinguishing the flame from his dagger, "We've got visitors."

"If there's dead people here," Axel says, his brows furrowed. Vex catches on, "Wait a second. Did Lady Briarwood raise all the dead?"

A hand from inside the grave grips the side of the stone face and out steps a rotting corpse of a female de Rolo, snarling at them. Then more appeared from their tombs, before the group know it, they were then surrounded by the undead family of the de Rolo nobility. 

"I think the answer is a hard yes." Lydie answers. 

"Uncle Nathaniel?" Cassandra calls out.

Keyleth flicks her eyes to the rotting corpse, chuckling nervously as she waves at him. "Hi! I'm Keyleth, friends with your nephew." As she's speaking the corpse's jaw begins to unlock and detaches from it's face, "Oh, God, you smell like shit." she mutters sending a blast of wind to launch the corpse away. 

Lydie jumps back as one lunge at her, she then manifest an ice knife shot one of the two of the corpses pining them to the tomb. "I swear by the Wild Mother the next time I see Delilah Briarwood..." she starts, punching a fireball that incinerates another corpse.

Axel dodges an incoming attack from one of the corpses and grips the back of the collar and sends it flying into another as it tries to attack. 

Pike cleanses the incoming corpse, "This is wrong." she spoke as she looks at Grog and Lydie, who looks down at her.

"Oh, I know. Isn't it great." he said with a smile and charged at the corpse. 

One dives Ripely into the ground. She held it off, but Cassandra grips the back of the corpse and threw it at the wall. 

Grog grabs hold of two corpses and slams them above his head. The corpses shatter into bone fragments that rained down over the goliath as he laughs like a little child. He stays in this position, his arms outstretched as though soaking it in. 

"How long's he gonna stay like that?" Keyleth asks.

Vax shot a look over her, "No telling, really." he answers.

Percy marches forward and steps in front of Ripley who was holding a sword. "Drop it, Ripley. Now." he orders, aiming the pepperbox at her.

She frowns looking at the weapon pointed at her, "You still think you can do this without me?" she then sighs, "Percival, I'm not what you should be worried about." 

Percy lowers his weapon, "I have more than enough worry to go around." he informs her.

"Fine. But you'll regret this." she warns as she walks towards the wall. 

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