Chapter 16 The Professor

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The rest of Vox Machina eagerly waited for Scanlan to deliver his distraction. Keyleth was busy carving something from the rocks. Vax stood, leaning against the wall. Grog snored away trying to get his strength us. Axel was in deep mediation with his legs crossed and hands one on top the other. Lydie sat busy reading a book from the bag of holding. To the front, Archie stood watch ready to give the signal, while Vex and Percy sat by. 

"Thinking about your sister?" Vex asks placing a hand on Percy's shoulder.

"Is it that obvious?" Percy responded. Lydie looks up from her book watching the conversation.

"She was 13 when you last saw her, right? Such a sweet age." 

"She was a nightmare. Always got me in trouble. Terminally irritating, pompous, utterly incapable of silence." 

Vex chuckles, "She sounds like Scanlan."

"They're not entirely different, no."

 "I hope she's okay."

 "Scanlan, too."

"Percy." Lydie spoke up, as the gunslinger turns his head to look at her, "What was Phoebe like?"

Percy smiled, as though reminiscing on good memories, "She was the exact opposite. She was the epitome of a perfect noble woman. Smart, elegant, fearless, and curious of the world around her. Archie almost thrown up seeing her for the first time."

"I didn't, I had haggis that didn't mesh well." Archie protested. 

Lydie smiled as Percy continue to tease the dwarf about their early life. Her mind wondered on the letter Prince Rafael wrote to her, the one mentioning another sibling. From what she knew it could be anyone, and not to mention Exandria is a vast place.  

Minutes turned to hours, and by this time the sun was already beginning to set in the sky. The others most of them were already resting. Percy on the other hand continued to click his revolver over and over again. 

"Darling." Vex says placing a hand on Percy's gun, "Scanlan's probably three-deep at a brothel right now. Who let that sex-crazed gnome do this solo?"

Axel glances at Vex while Vax spoke, "Um, you?" 

Vex huffs placing a hand on her cheek, "Never listen to me again."

Percy growls annoyed and gets to his feet, "That's it. I'm calling it." 

"You're just going in?" 

"Now hold on a minute." Axel calls out.

"Stay out of this Axel." Percy snaps while the cleric fighter frowns at him, "Listen here de Rolo." Axel tells him firmly, "I know you want to save your siblings. But it'll be foolish to go out there without sticking to the plan."

"And you believe Scanlan of all people is capable?"

"Look, I know Scanlan might be a bit licentious and maybe a bit arrogant, but I know he can do it." Axel tells him.

Vex sighs, "I hate to say it, but Axel does have a point." 

Percy lowered his weapon and flicked his eyes towards Axel, "Fine. We'll wait a little longer." he admitted, "But I swear, if you're wrong I'll--"

"Holy sh*t. He did it." Vax said, lookout and seeing the manor engulfed in flames. "And it looks like he went all-out." Stood to their feet watching the destruction unfold.

"Oh, yeah, he's into dat freaky stuff." Grog commented. 

Archie watches as the guards begin to leave Anders's mansion towards the burning manor, he turns with a grin, "Excellent plan, Vox Machina." he tells them.

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