Chapter 20 The Familiar Face

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Vedmire gritted his teeth, annoyed that the tides were not in his favor. "This cannot be happening. It's preposterous, unthinkable, incompre...Oh. Fuck this." he turns and tries to make a run for it. 

"Vedmire!" Percy calls out. Lydie catches wind, seeing him trying to flee. She then whistles to Fenrir who turns and charges after him. Reeling his claw back, Fenrir strikes him at the back.

He cries out as he tumbles on the ground and rolled a few times before  coming to a stop. Fenrir growled as Percy and Lydie steps forward, looking down at the writhing duke. Fenrir was about to lunge at him again when Lydie spoke softly, "Easy boy."

"That was for Archie." Percy informs him. "Congratulations, Vedmire. Your name isn't on my list. Instead, you'll answer to the people of Whitestone. And may they show you all the mercy you showed them."

Lydie watched as they surrounded the duke and begin to stab him repeatedly. Lydie turned her attention to Percy and walked over to him, "You okay Specs?" 

Percy glances at Lydie, "No, but it need to be done." 

Just then their attention was brought back on the battlefield when they saw a group of people cut down the zombies. Stepping infront was Keeper Yennen armed with a shield, "Yennen!" Percy said in surprise.  "It isn't safe here!" he warns as he walks up to her.

"The Dawnfather called, and we answered. I think I know a sign when I see one." she informs, looking over at Pike as she fires a ray of pure light. She then grips her amulet, concentrating for a moment, before she begins to levitate.

"Hey, uh, what's she doing?" Scanlan asks.

"Watch." Yennen tells him as Pike flutters her eyes open, revealing bright glowing eyes. Suddenly a wave bursts from her as all the townsfolk's weapons began to glow a bright yellow. 

The people were in awe as they looked at Pike, "May your weapons strike with the divine virtue of the Everlight." she said prayerfully. But blinks her eyes and grins, "Now go crush some fucking heads!" 

Lydie smirked, "That's my girl!" she shouted. The people cheered as they charged forward, stabbing and slicing the undead, reducing them to nothing.

"Our people can handle it from here. Go, Percival. Take back what is rightfully yours." Yennen tells Percy. 

"I don't know how to thank you." Percy said.

"The Dawnfather has found life in you. Use his gift wisely." She said sagely to him.

Vex walks up and stood next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Well, fearless leader, lead."


Once the zombies were dealt with, Percy led the group towards the castle. Lydie told Fenrir to stay behind and fight alongside the townsfolk and would teleport him once things grow dire. "With the Pale Guard protecting the castle gate, the best way in is...Our hidden tunnel." Percy opens the door as they group walked inside. Thanks to the glowing light of Pike's astral form, she leads the way through the hallways as cells were on each side. 

"Percy. Your castle is, um... nice." Keyleth said, striking up a conversation.

"This is the dungeon, Keyleth." Percy said bluntly,  "The Briarwoods will be found elsewhere." he informs her.

Suddenly a voice calls out to them, "Is someone there?" it sounded like a woman's voice. The others turned to the cell they stopped next to. "Did I hear you say you were looking for the Briarwoods?" 

Vax and Lydie exchange looks, Lydie held up two fingers as light began to crackle a form into a small ball.  "Are you friend or foe?" Vax asked frowning.

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